The best advices for guest post link building strategies
Category : Link building
Earning high quality backlinks can often be difficult, particularly if you’re trying to build them all on your own. Luckily there are some ways that community involvement can help you out, so you don’t necessarily have to purchase any backlink building services. The following are some strategies that won’t cost you anything more than a bit of time and effort to implement.
Guest posting is still one very sure way of scoring quality backlinks when conducting link building campaigns, it only requires hard work and ‘out-of-the-box’ strategies.
Guest blogging for high authority websites using quality content is one of the best ways to build valuable links. However, your primary goal from guest blogging should be to build authority and grow your readership.
If you focus simply on building backlinks, you might end up with a bunch of links from low-quality websites. This can do more harm than good. So how do you build links effectively with guest blogging? Let’s find out.

guest post link building
There are 4 ways to find out which sites are accepting guest posts:
1. Search in Google
First, to find blogs that allow guest posting, you can search on Google. For example, you could search “digital marketing guest posting sites” to see a list of high-domain platforms.
The most common ones would be Mashable, HubSpot, GetResponse, and more.
Another way is to search for certain keywords related to guest posting such as:
– Write for us
– Contribute
– Guest Post
– Guest Contribution
– Guest Post Guidelines
– Editorial Guidelines
– Contribution Guidelines
– Submit a post
– Submit an article
Once you have done this, there will be ample of suggestions for you to choose from.
2. Search Within Relevant Sites
An alternative to the previous process is searching for the similar keywords in the search bar provided by websites that have the same niche as yours.
For example, if you are a digital marketing company, you could make a list of sites that provide digital marketing services, website development services, or other businesses that write articles on SEO and social media.
Search on their site for guest blogging opportunities by typing “write for us” in the search bar. It should take you to the right landing page.
However, if the webpage does not show a search bar, you can also type the domain name along with the keywords mentioned above in Google. For a site named Thrillax, searching for “thrillax.com write for us” would give expected results.
3. Follow Other Guest Bloggers
When you see posts on some blogs, check if there are other guest bloggers. You can list some authors that you notice frequently posting on various sites. Searching for them on Google will show you some of the other sites that they have been posting on. Then, just write content to populate those sites.
To get good results, it is essential to submit well-written content that provides valuable information to readers.
But sometimes you might not get the results you were expecting, even with the best content. Therefore, you need to take into consideration every minor detail while carrying out guest posts.
By using different approaches when guest writing, you can build a relationship with other bloggers. This will help you get more referrals to your blog. Also, bloggers might ask you for more content or may provide some suggestions to improve your writing. Free expert advice is never a waste.
Of course, the main benefit of posting on popular sites is that you’ll expose your writing to a wider audience. It’s an easy way to gain new readers. And, eventually, they might start visiting your website regularly for more quality content, converting into loyal readers.
More credibility can be gained by guest blogging on high authority websites. If these sites have mentioned you, it indicates to Google that they trust you. This will end up increasing trust among visitors on others’ sites, too.
Check for the domain authority of the page. The minimum must be 25. Sites with an authority lower than that will not be very credible in Google’s eyes.
Try to approach websites having the same target audience as that of yours. This will build relevancy and enhance the quality of your referral traffic as more people click on the links to your site.
Having an understandable domain name is a sign of a good website. Moreover, such webpages will allow you to interact with polished and sophisticated readers, giving you exposure to an already established community that will actually benefit you.
Supplying content to authentic blogs will position you as a credible source of information. Your audience will then trust you more because you’re being acknowledged by reputable brands. As a result, you’re generating increased trust on your own blog (and brand).
Be careful — Some domains will have a group of websites under a similar IP. These are the sites that you might want to avoid. The host will typically provide you with a list of other websites that they control, which might seem helpful. However, they’re more likely to only publish your content in exchange for money.e
Related post: Tips to build blog comment backlinks to boost rankings
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