How does your post get indexed quickly
Category : Seo Consulting
I did a lot of research on how to index a website faster in Google, and you should take into consideration the idea of getting indexed by Google given that, in some cases, it can take more than a couple of weeks till Google starts indexing your posts.
But before we get to fix why your new posts are not appearing on Google, it is essential to understand how Google works, how it does the indexing and how he is listing search results.
So, now when you’ve learned all about Google indexing, how it is done, and what type of information spiders store, it’s time to discuss about things you can do to increase the index rate. Read on to know some highly useful ways those provide your website quick indexing within no time.
What is indexing and how it is performed? A quick overview
Indexing in SEO term refers to the process of keeping a record of web pages and adding them to Google search result. Information gathered by Googlebot from crawling is processed and included in the searchable index of Google if considered for the higher quality of content.
When Googlebot comes onto a specific website, it starts doing crawling and on the basis of an index and no-index Meta tags, it includes webpage with index tags in a specific search engine. It provides the way through which you can make sure which page to appear on different search engines.
What information web spiders contain?
After spider crawls the website, they look at important information that includes:
It is the address of World Wide Web Page that holds the great importance. It is impossible to find the website without determining its URL at very first. It is crucial information spiders contain.
Title tag
It is the name of a webpage appears on SERP as clickable headline for given search result. Spiders index it first.
Image tag
It includes image ALT tag, title tag, and filename giving the description and work of an image on a webpage.
Meta data
It is a short description of a website with relevant keyword and spiders look for it most while indexing the site.
These are the tags (H1-H5) that are generally title of a post or bolded (highlighted) text on the webpage.
These are the most important way of ranking power and considered as a vote for popularity. More the external links to your website, higher will be the popularity and chances for improved ranking.
It refers to whole content present on the website or blog.

post get indexed quickly
There are numerous ways to get discovered on Google. Let’s see how you can create a sitemap and gain backlinks:
Create a sitemap. A sitemap would have all pages of your website gathered in one place and arranged in a format that can be easily processed by Google. A sitemap is essentially a map of all content. Whenever new content, such as pages, products or blog posts, is added to your site the sitemap gets updated automatically and Google receives a notification on the update.
You can even tell Google how often your site is updated through sitemap so that the search engine knows when to start crawling for new content. The easiest way to create a sitemap for a WordPress site is to install Google XML sitemap plugin, that will automatically create, update and submit a sitemap to Google. There are other sitemap generators that have exactly the same functionality for non-Wordpress sites.
Submit your sitemap. Once you create a sitemap you need to submit it to Google Webmaster Tools to notify Google about your newly born website. Create a Webmaster Tools account and add your website domain to Google Webmaster Tools. Then go to Optimization and click Sitemaps – here you can submit your sitemap. You can also follow the same process to submit your sitemap to Bing.
Get Google Analytics account. Since Google Analytics is the product of Google there is a high chance that your website will get noticed faster if you install Google Analytics. There is no direct link between Google Analytics and website visibility but it does not hurt since you’re going to need the metrics anyway.
Let search engines know about your website. You can also simply submit your site’s URL to Google. Follow this Google Webmaster Submit URL link to use. While this won’t make much difference, it is a pretty quick fix, that can be done with a click of a button. Go to your Google Account, open this Google Webmaster Submit URL and paste the website’s URL into a bar. Bing provides a similar feature.
Go social. Social media sites have huge authority within search engines, so you want to make sure your site is featured in as many profiles as possible. Create a profile for your business and put a website link into the appropriate field or in the description. You can also put the link to your website on your personal profile. Here are all social media to consider: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Youtube, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.
Post on social media. Creating profiles is not the only way to gain backlinks from social media. You can post content updates onto a profile or share a status update with a link to your website. This signals Google that the site exists and that it is starting to gain popularity in the social world.
Use bookmarking services. Bookmarking services such as StumbleUpon allow you to highlight the content that you like and receive platform’s suggestions on the similar type of content. Try bookmarking your website pages – this will let the platform know that the site exists and you will gain a backlink from a reputable resource.
Build links. Building links is a very time-consuming process, that requires some sale, marketing, networking and content creation skills. There are two ways to build links: write a powerful piece of content that people would want to link to and write guest posts for others. Guest posting can be anything from press releases to website directories.
Each type of link building has pros and cons, but generally, guest posting is easier and presents less risk compared to creating a viral piece of content and trying to push it to others.
Don’t discourage search engines from indexing your site. New site owners should always enable “Discourage Search Engines” option in WordPress while the site is in the development stage. The option prevents Google from judging your website based on the incomplete or incorrect information. But once the site is live, don’t forget to disable this option, otherwise, the site will not get as much traffic as you might have expected.
Check for Google crawl errors. Go to Google Search console and add a site property. Then choose Crawl and Crawl Errors. The report will show all the crawling errors that Googlebot has encountered on your site. 404 errors don’t necessarily affect your site performance in Google, but they do damage user experience and affect bounce rates.
When bounce rates are too high, this can serve as a sign to Google that the content and the website are of low quality.
Ask Google to recrawl your website. If you’ve recently made changes to your website or content you can use Google recrawl function using Fetch as Google tool in Search Console. However, if there are too many updates it might be easier for you to submit a new sitemap to Google.
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