Category Archives: Webmaster Skills

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Tips to get inspired from content writing

Finding writing inspiration isn’t as hard as you thought it might be. Even your everyday activities can inspire you in a way. Check out our tips on how to get that creative juices flowing:

Plan Out the Topics You Want to Write About

Before creating your briefs, you might want to plan out the topics of your content first. Creating a concept map can help you with your writing process. The map should include the three main ideas that a writer should consider: task analysis, thinking, and planning, then writing.

It can be in the form of mind maps or spider diagrams if your ideas have no particular order. Start with your main topic in the middle then branch out. Vertical charts and flow charts are useful if your written piece has to follow a step-by-step process.

Once you have all the points all laid down, you’ll be able to find new connections and enable you to work out a logical structure. At the same time, you’ll get inspired to find the right words to express your points.

Write a Lot and Often

Don’t stop writing even if you run out of ideas. Try your best to write every day. You can improve your thinking process as you develop your writing. Writing inspiration is likely to occur when you’re aware of the thoughts running through your mind.

To help this process, there’s a technique called free writing. It’s a writing exercise where you write nonstop for a period of time. You write freely about whatever thoughts that come to your mind.

The results will not be perfect as there’ll be grammatical errors, broken flows, and no format. However, that doesn’t matter once you read back and explore your writing. You’ll discover hidden ideas and new concepts between the unorganized sentences.

Write Briefs

Briefs are informative documents or the blueprints of your writing pieces. A good brief arranges your thinking and gives you a distinct path from the introduction to the conclusion of whatever you’re writing.

By creating an outline for your writing, you’ll be able to see the purpose of the content. You’ll find the inspiration to expand your points, clarifying them further, and making strong connections or transitions.

To make a good brief that can help you with your writing, it should have:

  • Goals ‒ the reason why you’re writing the piece.
  • Target audience ‒ who are you writing to.
  • Key points ‒ the most important information that grabs that readers’ attention.
  • Supportive points ‒ the essential details that explain why readers should believe your points.
  • Tone ‒ the attitude you’re conveying in your writing. For example formal, humorous, or optimistic.

Read a lot of Different Books

Reading books for writing inspiration Amazon book selection

Stephen King once wrote, “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.” It can’t be stressed enough that reading is essential when it comes to writing.

When you need inspiration, spare some time to read. You can find ideas, learn about different writing styles, structure, and formatting. Try to take notes whenever you’re reading new material.

Research also confirms that reading has a positive influence on your brain. It helps you to de-stress and broadens your imagination and information, making it a great source for writing inspiration.

Carry Around a Notebook

Writing inspiration is around you waiting to be found ‒ it can be as simple as the people passing by or nature. Don’t just ignore it. Even a tiny bit of inspiration needs to be documented.

Just like what Allen Ginsberg, said, “if the muse comes to your bedside don’t say you’ll attend to her later.”

As you have noticed, ideas don’t come according to your schedule. They frequently emerge when you’re in the middle of your daily activities. Due to that fickle nature, a notebook definitely comes in handy.

A notebook can be a platform for your imagination. You can come back to the points you’ve written and get creative with them.

Read more Ways to make your content become the best


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How to keep website secure and safe

Although your website may currently contain vulnerabilities that leave it at risk for a data breach or a cyberattack, there are a few things you can do today to make it safer. Here are ten of them.

Encrypt Sensitive Data with SSL

If your website handles sensitive information such as credit card numbers or social security numbers, then you’ll want to ensure it has an SSL certificate. What does that mean? It means moving from the HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) to the HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure).

So, instead of your website URL looking like this: “,” it will look like this: “” This means you’re adding an encryption layer of TLS (Transport Layer Security) or SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to your HTTP, which will make your users’ and your own data even more secure from hacking attempts.

 Manage Your Directories and File Permissions

Every website is made up of files and folders that are stored in a server that’s hosting it, inside directories. To keep this information safe, each file and folder should have certain levels of permission that keep them safe and secure. Each file and folder should specify who can read, write, and execute it.

 Strengthen Access Control

Admins for your website should always use passwords that can’t be easily guessed when they’re accessing your control panels and dashboards or content management systems. Make sure their passwords are over eight characters in length and that the passwords contain diverse characters (i.e., one number, one capitalized letter, etc.). In addition, make sure their user names aren’t simple and easy to spot like “admin01,” and that they change their passwords regularly.

And consider implementing two-factor authentication for users who log in to your site. Two-factor authentication requires them to enter two pieces of information to access your site such as a password and a PIN, security code or question, etc.

Prevent SQL Injections and Cross-Site Scripting

An SQL injection is one of the most common ways a hacker can infiltrate a database attached to a website. If you have a web form or URL parameter that allows outside users to supply any information they want, then hackers can insert code into your website forms that allows them to hack into your databases with sensitive customer and company information that are linked to those forms.

To protect against this, establish parameterized queries that prevent hackers from inputting anything they want into the form fields on your website, and remove form auto-fill. Read this detailed post by W3 Schools for more information about what SQL injections are and how you can prevent them from happening.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is like SQL injections except it involves hackers using a web application to send malicious code, generally in the form of a browser side script, to a different end user from a site that’s trusted. Some malicious scripts can even write HTML code on a webpage.

You can prevent this from happening by using a Content Security Policy (CSP) on your website, which allows you to specify and validate which domains your content and scripts should always come from. To learn more about how you can prevent XSS, consult this detailed source provided by the Open Web Application Security Project.

Pay Attention to Network Security

If you host your website on your own servers, then you must ensure hackers can’t infiltrate your networks on a minute-to-minute basis. In addition to having users frequently update their passwords, you should ensure each device plugged into the network is scanned for malware constantly and that logins expire after a certain length of inactivity.

If your website is hosted through a third-party, you’ll want to ensure they have 24/7 security for their servers. And you’ll want to verify they have ample security plugins and software available as well.

Back Up Your Site and Files Regularly

Back up all your files and systems every single day, multiple times throughout the day. Whenever a server you rely on backs up your files and information, it should save it in multiple locations for security (i.e., in cloud-based servers, external hard drives, etc.). Eventually, every hard drive and piece of hardware will fail or malfunction, so be sure you have all your critical website files backed up. Otherwise, you are at risk of losing critical components and files that are currently keeping your website safe and readable.

Keep Everything Updated

Whether you build a website from scratch or use a state-of-the-art website builder, you need to verify that everything on or connected to your website is updated at all times. It’s easy to ignore automatic updates for the software and systems you access, but hackers scan websites on an ongoing basis to see what sites don’t have the latest updates or bug fixes for their software, plugins, databases, etc.

If you aren’t using certain plugins or software integrations anymore, then delete them from your control panel and website. And always schedule updates for your software and systems on a rolling basis so they’re always running the latest and greatest versions.

Read more The most important website matters you need to care about


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The crucial website elements need to stand out

Since so many entrepreneurs are starting to understand the benefits of building a website and how easy it is now, there’s going to be a lot more competition online. However, there are ways to stay ahead and ensure the website you build today stands out from all the rest.

Here’s what you need your website to do.

Build Trust Quickly

If you really want users to feel comfortable exploring your website, then you must immediately establish trust with them. Include customer testimonials and reviews on your website to offer evidence for who has trusted you in the past, and what their experiences were like. Have guest bloggers and industry professionals who are well-known and respected post content on your website. Include privacy and security policies that outline how you’re going to keep your website users’ information safe and secure.

You’ll also want to consider displaying trust seals on your website, from companies and organizations like SiteLock and the Better Business Bureau—organizations that work hard to keep websites secure and businesses trustworthy.

Most importantly, you should encrypt data on your website with an SSL certificate, which means moving from the HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) to the HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure). Check out this post to learn more about things you can do to keep your website safe and secure [Note to iPage: link to 10 Things You Can Do Today to Keep Your Website Safe and Secure when published – early March].

Load Quickly and Perform Optimally

The average user will abandon a website that takes longer than five seconds to load, especially if they’re on a mobile device. Seventy three percent of users claimed to have encountered a website that takes too long to load. And, over fifty percent of users claim their loyalty to a website depends on how quickly it loads and how reliable it is (KissMetrics). Succinctly put—a page that loads in a few seconds is critical to keeping site visitors happy and engaged, building trust, securing more traffic, and for outpacing the competition online that likely has a slower-loading website.

Furthermore, research highlighted in The New York Times also discovered that download speed and web performance directly influence customers’ behavior in relation to sales conversions and engagement. Every millisecond matters. Each millisecond of delay on your website can cost you entrepreneurial venture prospects and potentially thousands of dollars.

Many websites aren’t built for optimal performance and may be bogged down with broken links that don’t take the user to secure webpages, or they contain images and content that don’t load properly, or take too long to load. Fortunately, ensuring your website loads faster and is built for performance is becoming a lot easier. Here are a few things you can do to optimize your website for performance:

  • Reduce HTTP requests
  • Enable compression
  • Allow browser caching
  • Optimize images
  • Reduce the number of redirects
  • Use a good web hosting service

Important Elements Your Website should have

User Experiences

Your website should cater to your users’ experiences –  and most of your users will be searching for things on their mobile devices. In fact, more Google searches take place on mobile devices than on desktop computers in 10 countries including the U.S. and Japan (Smart Insights). So, make sure your website has a responsive design that ensures its content is viewable and easy to navigate on different types of mobile devices. Make it easier for your users to contact you directly from their mobile devices with a touch of a button. And allow them to place orders via chatbots, social media apps, or e-commerce carts that are optimized for mobile devices too.

Users must also sift through a lot of content on the web before finding content they feel answers their unique questions and concerns. So, make it easier for them and the search engines by including web copy on your website that speaks directly to them, what they care about, and what they’re already searching for online. Do some research and a competitive analysis to discover how you can position your brand online via your website content, so you can speak directly to your target audience and make it easier for them to find you. Also, consult your website analytics on an ongoing basis to learn more about what users are interacting with and viewing most on your site, as well as what they don’t engage with on your site. Start with an analytics tool like Google Analytics if you haven’t already selected one, to get a better understanding of what your site visitors are engaging with the most.

Read more Speed up website security in four clever ways


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Speed up website security in four clever ways

If you’re a website owner, don’t overthink your website security. Start with the basics. Here are top five things you absolutely must do to protect your website, your personal information, and your customers from a data breach and other forms of cybertheft.

Use a Password Manager to Keep Logins Secure.

How do you keep your passwords safe? Are you depending on your web browser’s easy-to-use autofill function and/or reusing the same passwords over and over again? You wouldn’t be alone in this common but catastrophic mistake.

In January 2018, Wired reported findings from Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy that auto-filling your login and password information leaves you susceptible to data tracking and collecting from third-party sites. If you reuse passwords for multiple logins, the script from these predatory third-party websites can lift your password and use them to access your profiles.

The quick solution isn’t to mix up all of your passwords and to write them down in a notebook somewhere. Password managers, like LastPass and 1Password, can generate a random password for each of your profiles and websites, store them for you, and keep them encrypted. Some of them also have two-step authentication, giving you an extra layer of security.

Another important note: limit the number of people who have access to your website and restrict administrative privileges to everyone except for a select few. The more people are able to access your site’s back door, the greater the chances are of a data breach. Even the most trustworthy employee can forget to log out, can reuse passwords, or do something to accidentally jeopardize your site’s security.

Install an SSL Certificate.

An SSL Certificate puts a Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) between your website and its visitors’ computers. Particularly for a business website, it is a critically important security measure to install.

This communication technology simultaneously encrypts and authenticates the data that’s being sent to and from your site and your visitors, keeping it completely confidential. As a result, outsiders aren’t able to track or steal your visitors’ information during the exchange. It also has the benefit of protecting the integrity of the data as it’s being received or sent from your site.

If your business website accepts customer’s credit card numbers and personal information, an SSL certificate can prevent cyber thieves from stealing it and ruining your business’ reputation.

An SSL certificate is more important than ever now that Google will flag any site without one as “not secure”. For iPage customers, we are offering a free basis SSL to prevent this from happening. Find out more about how the Google changes might affect your website, or how to enable free SSL if you have live website with a domain purchased through iPage.

Backup Your Data Regularly.

Your web hosting company most likely backs up your site’s data on a regular schedule. For a business website, that may not be enough.

If your site goes down, gets hacked, or sees other major damage, then your backed up data will help you get it up again quickly. To maintain the utmost security on your website, get additional help from a backup application or a dedicated backup plugin. Though they may cost a little extra, they will store your website’s data and any related information. Try to install a plugin that performs backups at least once a week.

Perform Updates on Schedule.

It’s happened to literally millions of website owners. You get an email notification about a software update or, if you’re running a WordPress-hosted site, a theme and plugin update. Instead of heeding the notification, you assume your web hosting company will perform this routine update and delete the email. A few months later, your site gets hacked. Your personal data, your customers’ data—it’s all been stolen by cyber thieves.

Though incredibly common, this kind of data breach is also entirely preventable. According to the world-renowned web security specialists at Sucuri Remediation Group, almost two-thirds of WordPress-hosted sites run on outdated themes, plugins, and software because website owners neglect their updates.

Delayed updates don’t just make your website glitchy. They leave gaping holes in its security through which hackers can enter. Stay on top of your updates, and your site will be impenetrable.

Read more Great tips to accelerate website speed


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Methods to get more traffic to your blog

By now hopefully, you understand that you can’t even worry about traffic until you focus on your content and you don’t need a ton of traffic to make good money with your blog.

But that doesn’t mean you still shouldn’t aim to get as much traffic as possible.

What you’ll learn next are the tactics I use to drive 100s of thousands of people to my network of blogs. None of these tactics are sleazy or stuff you would be ashamed of doing.

In fact, they aren’t secrets at all but they are things that a lot of bloggers fail to do.

Writing, publishing, and hoping for the best isn’t going to do you much good.

Participate in the Places Where Your Audience Gathers

This is an easy one. You don’t want to waste time promoting your content to people that don’t care about it so the logical thing is to find the people that do care about your topic.

Almost every niche/topic has online communities somewhere. There are blogs, forums, Facebook Groups, sub-Reddits, and other places.

Your goal is to find these places and then make yourself a valuable member of the community.

The mistake a lot of bloggers make is that they join these communities and they just start sharing their content. This can work if your content is the best of the best but nobody wants to know the person that only shows up when they have something to share.

It’s like the friend that only hits you up when you have money.

You might think that you don’t have time to participate in any online communities but you’ll be amazed by the additional benefits that you reap:

  • Gain a better understanding of your audience’s problems. If you really want to make money online then you need to understand the problems that your audience face. This will help you provide needed solutions that people are willing to pay for and talk about.
  • Build stronger relationships with other bloggers. As you’ll see in a bit building relationships with influencers is one of the best ways to grow traffic to your blog. You never know where they are lurking so by simply making yourself a valuable member of a community you’re giving yourself a shot of building future relationships.

Get the Most out of Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram

I combined these social networks because they all follow the same principles. They also have the misfortune of not being completely reliable for driving traffic to your site.

Facebook and Twitter can work well for you if you’re in the business of creating viral content like videos of kids falling off their skateboards.

However, just because they aren’t dependable doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try to get the most out of them.

Some bloggers have perched their whole business on top of these networks to great success.

It’s always nice to build up an audience on any platform as this gives you an opportunity to spread the love that your blog is offering around to more people.

Get the Most out of Google by Using SEO

This is a huge missed opportunity by a lot of bloggers simply because they don’t understand what is required to do well in Google and other search engines.

Some people will tell you to only focus on great content and Google will take care of the rest. That can definitely happen sometimes by why leave anything to chance?

If you want to do well with search engines you need to understand search engine optimization (SEO).

The basics of it are pretty simple:

  • Optimize around a keyword
  • Get backlinks to your site

See? That isn’t too bad.

The problem is that many bloggers don’t do either of these things. They don’t try to target their posts around a specific keyword and they don’t bother trying to get backlinks from other sites.

What you end up with is a trickle of traffic from Google when you could be looking at a mountain of traffic that is coming through every single month.

Spread the Link Love Around

Some bloggers are just downright selfish.

They write posts that only talk about them and only link to other blog posts that they’ve written.

The web was meant to be a place of immense value where sites link to other awesome sites so go ahead and link to other awesome sites.

Your readers will love it and nobody will be mad at you. If you’re worried about people leaving your site and never coming back then you can make sure that your links open up in a new tab by writing HTML like this:

<a href="" target="_blank">Link to awesome site</a>

Email Your Mailing List

This is something that a lot of bloggers miss because for some reason they think that people that sign up for their mailing list might not care about the things they write or that they will find it some magical way.

Spend Time on Other Blog’s Comments

Comments on the other blogs can work out well for you if you do things the right way.

The wrong approach is to just go to every blog you can find and write a very basic comment. People ignore these faster than spam emails.

The goal isn’t to get everyone that comes across your comment to click your link. The goal is to get the people that really care about the topic to notice your comments and click.

Imagine if you’re going through a blog and every post there is a comment by someone that always seems to be just as awesome as the content. At some point, your curiosity is going to get the best of you and you will click over to their site.

Participate in Q&A Sites

Question and answer sites like Quora and StackExchange are a great opportunity to establish your authority.

Similar to blog comments, the goal isn’t to answer every single question that you come across. You want to be strategic and make sure that you are able to only provide high-value content to the community. You also want to make sure that it is going to be a question that is going to receive some visibility.

Read more The golden tips to bring traffic to website very fast


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The most important website matters you need to care about

. Before you start designing and developing your website, discover which metrics you should track and how to interpret the data they provide. Read on to learn more.

Bounce Rate

What if thousands of visitors are flocking to your website, but only a limited number of them seem to be interacting with your content? Look at your site’s bounce rate, the total amount of bounces divided by the total number of visitors.

Google Analytics counts a site visit as a “bounce” if a visitor lands on one of your web pages and then closes the window or hits Back. These visits are also known as single-page sessions.

A high site-wide bounce rate indicates that, while your site might be optimized with keywords and buzzworthy headlines, it’s not offering high-value content to your audience. It also may indicate a sub-optimal user experience such as incorrectly targeted keywords and slow loading web pages.

In addition to representing a less-than-positive website experience for your audience, a high bounce rate can negatively impact your site’s search engine results. As a result, it’s paramount to reduce your site’s bounce rate.

Start by reviewing the bounce rate of each web page. Be aware that different pages within your site will have wildly different bounce rates. For example, it’s common for blogs to have higher bounce rates than landing pages.

Great Content Is the Foundation to Getting Great Traffic

If you have a crappy foundation then you don’t have much to build on.

There are millions upon millions of blogs out there and yet only 25% of them get over 5,000 pageviews a month.

Think about that.

Only 25% of the blogs in the world get over 100 people a day to visit them. Getting a 100 people to come to your blog every single day shouldn’t be hard but it is nearly impossible if you don’t have a strong foundation of content so before you worry about traffic you need to worry about content.

Visitor Traffic

Traffic, the number of people who visit your site, is the gold standard of all website metrics. Regardless of your qualitative goals, you’re building a website to attract visitors and subsequently make an impression on those visitors.

Two types of traffic serve as a baseline measure for how well you’re reaching your audience: total visits and unique visitors.

Unique visitors refers to the number of people requesting access to a particular web page during a predetermined period of time. A unique visitor can only be counted once during that time frame. If your site gets 1,000 hits in a month but all of those hits are from your mother, then your site only has one unique visitor.

Total visits include all of the visitor traffic your site sees during a predetermined period of time. It encompasses unique visitors as well as repeat visitors. Therefore, if 10 people visit your website twice, then your site has 10 unique visitors and 20 total visits.

Traffic Sources

Where your traffic comes from is almost as important as how much traffic your site gets.

To give you some guidance, Google Analytics measures four kinds of traffic sources: organic search (traffic from search engines), referral (traffic from other websites), direct (traffic from someone typing your website domain into their browser), and social (traffic from social media channels).

Traffic source metrics offer actionable data about your marketing efforts. Organic search traffic numbers will tell you how effectively your search engine optimization is. Referral traffic indicates how much the content you’ve linked on other sites, such as guest posts, drives visitors to your site.

Direct traffic is an excellent measurement of repeat visitors, loyal customers, and followers. People who type in your URL already know and love your site. Instead of needing to search for you or discovering you, they come straight to your website.

Social traffic indicates how shareable and compelling your social media posts are. Big social traffic numbers point to an effective social media strategy.

Though it’s difficult to achieve, it’s important to strive for well-balanced sources of traffic. For example, if you’re relying on social media to drive traffic, then you could be neglecting your site’s search engine optimization and missing out on organic search traffic. Conversely, if your site has huge organic, direct, and referral numbers but nominal social sources, then you’re overlooking the massive global audience found on social media channels.

Read more The crucial website elements need to stand out


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The golden tips to bring traffic to website very fast

Every day hundreds of new websites are being built for different purposes. it means competition is growing day by day and everyone want to get lots of traffic for their website.

So in this article, I have mentioned some very helpful ways to get more and organic traffic to your website.


try your level best to keep your site simple and understandable. when someone comes to your site he/she should get something for which they have come to your site.your site should be easily navigable. So keep your blogs simple and easy to understand.


Keep one thing in your mind that you are going to write for the people not for the engines. So keep your post relevant and specific.Do not try to be good at SEO but try to write a good article which is knowledgeable and understandable.


SEO is one of the most important factors to get more visitors and to rank your site on search first of all, you have to write and pay attention to on-page SEO.

like when you are writing an article then you should write the short title, you should keep your keyword in the title of your post, you have to write quality should use alter tags in should use internal linking to get more visitors.


Long tail keywords are also very much helpful to rank your site and to get more visitors to your should use long-term keywords to get specific traffic to your niche or topic.about 50% people search for long tail keywords on search if you will not use them you will lose 50% traffic for your site.


this is also one of the most important factors to get more visitors to your site. if you will search any keyword on search engine then you will find lots of options to click try to keep your site update and be regular and Google also loves this. your site should write on regular basis.


This is also one of the best ways to get more visitors to your site.through this method you will have to invite other writers to your niche to write a guest post for your website.

it will help you to get more visitors to your site too and will improve your this is a good idea to offer the guest post to others.but you should make sure that post must be unique and with quality.


One of the best ways to get more traffic is to be active on socialmedia. create pages on Facebook to promote your product or site, use twitter, G+, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest and other social channels to get traffic. the more you will be social the more you will get followers.


If you will get a guest blogging on a famous website that will through lots of traffic for your site.try to get relevant guest posting sites which will increase chances to rank your site too.


Do not try to get just site back-links but, try to make internal links that will also affect the strength of your site. you should keep one thing in mind that when you are going to interlink those links should be relevant to your post. You should keep an eye to get internal links to get more visitors to your site.

Read  more Methods to get more traffic to your blog


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4 common website mistakes you need to leave behind

Let’s be real here: if you weren’t a little bit jittery about it, we’d be worried. Not because you can’t do this. You totally can. It’s easy to build a great-looking business website if you use the right tools — and you don’t even have to know how to code!

No, it’s daunting because your website matters so much to the health of your business. It’ll help you generate leads, drive conversions, and build your brand. But like a first date, there are a lot of ways to screw this thing up.

Not Customizing Your Theme

One of the best things about using a content management system is the free themes available at your fingertips. In fact, as soon as you settle on your web hosting company and purchase a domain, you can select the perfect theme to match your brand in mere minutes.

However, it’s important to remember whatever platform you use, you’re going to have to customize it to match your brand’s style. Otherwise, you’ll be left with a website that looks exactly like thousands of other business sites on the web — a big mistake.

Happily, with Remixer, our in-house website builder, it’s easy to personalize your site. You can upload and insert your own images (or use our royalty-free gallery, your call), flesh out your unique content, and place menu items where you need them to build your dream website.

Going Pop-Up Crazy

Here’s how I like to think about pop-ups. When someone puts a sign in front of your face, it’s difficult not to pay attention to it. But when someone puts a whole bunch of signs in your face, it’s impossible to pay attention to any of them.

Helpful pop-ups that serve your readers are a great way to build your business. For example, you can include ONE pop-up asking someone to do ONE of the following: join your mailing list, share a post, follow you on social media, or sign up for an upcoming event.

But the second you start throwing pop-ups on your website to join your mailing list and share a post and follow you on social media and sign up for your webinar, and . . . you are not serving your visitors — or your business.

When it comes to pop-ups, be wise. Determine what the most pressing action you want your users to take is and then build a pop-up around that action. Leave the rest out. Simple as that.

Using Jargon

We get it. You have been working in your field for years and years, and you’re literally a master of your industry. You know what “IPC,” “VC Money,” and “apportunity” stand for, but I’ve got news for you — your website visitors don’t.

If a visitor lands on your website and the copywriting is full of technical jargon they can’t understand, they’re not going to stick around to parse through your metaphors.

Remember: the average human has a shorter attention span than a goldfish. That’s a piddly eight seconds. This means when customers find your site, they need to encounter copy that is straightforward and encourages them to take action fast — whether that’s watching a video, entering your sign-up flow, or subscribing to an email newsletter.

If you need a good example, Dropbox Business slays when it comes to website design and simple copywriting. Let’s take a look at their homepage.

Poor Navigation

The internet yields nearly 7 billion global searches a day, and websites with intuitive navigation are rewarded with more visitors (and visitors who stick around for longer). If you can’t help your users get what they want immediately, chances are they will move on to a competitor’s site.

Even if you’re not a professional, there are a few simple things you can do to make sure your design is intuitive for visitors:

  • Use a Theme — The easiest way to create a winning website is to use a website builder. With Remixer, the important structural elements you’ll need for a basic website are incorporated into each of our expert-built themes. That means, all you have to do is choose a design that works with your brand, add your content, and boom, you’ve got a well-designed website — no coding required.
  • Stick to the Standard — Humans are creatures of habit. And most of us are trained to expect vertical navigation on the left side of the page and horizontal navigation across the top of the page. To avoid confusion, keep your navigation standard.
  • Don’t Overwhelm Users — You may be tempted to include several links in your navigation bar. But remember: less is more. Stick to the basics — About, Products, Services, Contact, etc. — in your navigation menu.

Read more How to keep website secure and safe


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Why Does Your Website’s Loading Speed Matter

These days, users expect websites to be fast. When pages take longer than expected to load, it negatively impacts your site’s User Experience (UX). This matters because any time your UX takes a hit, so does your conversion rate.

You’ll likely see higher page abandonment and bounce rates as well. To be more specific, studies show that an additional two seconds of loading time can increase your site’s bounce rate by 103 percent. Plus, just 100 milliseconds of extra loading time can cause a 7 percent drop in conversion rates.

Even fractions of a second count, so optimizing your site’s performance as fully as you can is crucial. What’s more, website speed not only influences whether users stay on your site and convert; it also affects whether or not they can find it in the first place.

Site speed is now a Google ranking factor for both desktop and mobile sites. If you don’t maintain decent website performance, your site’s visibility on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) may decrease, leading to lower traffic levels.

With your website’s success on the line, speed can’t be ignored. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, a smart place to start is by testing to determine where your site stands now. You can run load time tests to see how long your users are waiting and then get to work on decreasing those numbers.

OPcache Isn’t Enabled

OPcache is a built-in caching engine for the coding language PHP. If you use PHP on your site, having OPcache enabled can speed up its loading and the loading of your pages as a result.

If you host your website with one of our Shared WordPress or DreamPress plans, OPcache is enabled by default. If your site is hosted using one of our other plans or with another web host, you’ll likely need to enable it manually.

Your Site’s Code Is Too Bulky

The more code your user’s web browser has to load, the longer it will take for your website to become visible. If your code is too ‘bulky’ or contains unnecessary characters and line breaks, your site may be slower. In response, you can ‘minify’ that code by removing the elements that aren’t needed.

There are two popular plugins for carrying out this task. Autoptimize minifies code, in addition to inlining CSS and optimizing JavaScript files. It also integrates well with WP Super Cache.

Plugins Are Weighing Your Site Down

Having too many plugins — or even a few very bulky ones — can weigh your website down and cause poor performance. It’s wise to always completely remove any plugins you’re not using to minimize the chance that this will happen.

Additionally, some plugins can interfere with the caching of your site’s pages. If you’re using the Proxy Cache Purge plugin we mentioned earlier in this article, you can pinpoint which plugins are causing the problem by navigating to Proxy Cache > Check Caching.

Internet Issues Are Hurting Specific Users’ Performance

Finally, poor website performance can be due to an issue with a user’s Internet Service Provider (ISP), rather than with your site itself. Slow site speeds can result from network congestion, bandwidth throttling and restrictions, data discrimination and filtering, or content filtering.

If you notice slow speeds when visiting your site, you can run a traceroute between your computer and your website to test the connection. This should give you an idea of whether or not the problem is related to your ISP or is a more significant site-wide concern.

Read more Great tips to accelerate website speed


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Great tips to accelerate website speed

A good page load time is under 2-3 seconds. For a benchmark, let meet it within 7 seconds as the basic for 2017 google statistic. However, the faster you can make, the better it is. A few milliseconds of improvements here and there can add up to be a big improvement on your website.

1.Reduce Image Size – Optimize Images for Speed

Images affected your site speed. Original images often very large files, which can slow down web page load times. If you own an eCommerce website, you probably think of the images is very important for your website, there is no way to remove them or lower down the file size that will affect your visitors’ experience.

Here are the 2 things you may consider;

  1. Use .jpg instead of .png
    .png image is the uncompressed format, uncompresses format will be higher quality with a higher file size. so it will take a long time to load. Compare to .jpg is a compresses format, which can give you a better in smaller in size that helps your website load speed.
  2. Use compression software/tools
    By using compression tools, you can make a huge difference with the same image without losing the quality of the image.
    For Your Reference:
Image Format Image Size
Non-Optimized PNG 200 KB
Optimize PNG 150 KB
Non-Optimized JPG/JPEG 100 KB
Optimized JPG/JPEG 85 KB
Compress PNG 120 KB
Compress JPG/JPEG 45 KB


The chart is for your reference, as you can see the HUGE difference in your Image Size, this can affect your website speed performance. For example, if your website support with 1300px, you only need 1200px max for most of the photo. There’s no need to upload images much bigger than that if they’re not going to perform well in the limited size.

What Image Compression Tools To Use?

There are plenty of compression tools to use in the markets, here are some suggestions from us;

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop comes with a feature to save images for optimized for the web. You will be having the option to control the quality of the image. *Suggest checking with “Optimize Option” to get the smaller size for better performance for your web page use.

photoshop and illustrator logo


TinyPNG is the free web version on image compression tools, they are using the smart lossy compression technique to reduce the size of your PNG and jpeg files. All you have to do is make an upload and download after they ready the convert. They do have API to convert images or plugin if you are using WordPress for example.

tinypng screenshot



JPEGmini is also recommended, as they are using recompression technology which significantly reduces the size of images without affecting the original quality. Compare to TinyPNG, the after compression image size will be bigger compared to Jpeg mini. It depends on your business, if you are using your website as a catalogue, JPEG Mini may be suitable for you. They do support API for automating process too.

JPEG mini screenshot

After optimizing images, what next?

You probably get to lower your web page size with 50%, if your web page featured with few images, and has not done any images optimize before. After images, you may focus on http requests.

2.Minimize HTTP Requests

An HTTP request is made for each element, so the more on-page components, the longer it takes for the page to render. You can check the http request using the tools previously mentioned, such as GTMatrix or using Google Chrome Developer Tools to see how many HTTP requests your site makes.

http request screenshot

If your website request number is too high, you may find ways to reduce the number of requests.  Look through your files and see if any unnecessary request, may consider removing it.

3.Consider Minify and Combine Files

You can reduce this number by minifying and combining your files. This will reduce the total number of files and file size. Instead of access to 3 files, you website currently access to only 1 file.

combine css before and after


By doing this, we went from a webpage that required three CSS files to load to a webpage that only requires one CSS file to load. Hence, this will significantly increase the speed of access to your hosting web file and it will affect the final loading speed of your website.

If you are a WordPress user, you can just install a CSS / JavaScript that will help you optimize all of this work for you.

4.Choose The Right Hosting Plan

Most of the website owners choose the cheapest hosting to host their website. For the new website that serve few visitors, that is okay. If your website is serving up to thousands of visitors per days, we suggest you get to premium business hosting for better response and smoother respond for your visitors. This is the easiest way to manage a hosting with almost VPS respond of speed. It still depends on the content you are hosting, if the content is heavy with images, video, heavy css, it will slow down your website load time too.

Read more Speed up website security in four clever ways


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