Author Archives: tdhseo

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Great techniques for natutal profile link building strategy

Off-page SEO, such as link building, can be a tricky business and, for some, is a tactic to avoid altogether. Some would claim that is because Google has, very successfully, equated linkbuilding with web spam, and the industry news machine is started almost entirely – all the time – and fuelled by Google PR saying something or enforcing its quality guidelines.

Not all link building is web spam and in fact, building links in 2020 is still an incredibly important aspect of search engine optimisation.

It is just not the only thing to focus on.

High-quality links do not live in isolation from a high-quality product, service or website.

Hopefully, this article helps you make a sensible choice when considering profile building links to your site.

Full-fledged link building campaigns can drive massive results for businesses, but what about the little guys that can’t afford to pay for a link building service? Inbound links are one of the three most influential ranking factors, so we can’t just ignore link building.

Profile link building can be a very time-intensive process, but there are also dozens of small-scale link building opportunities that can drive great results for smaller brands.

Over the past few years, we’ve tested dozens of different link building strategies. In this article, we’re going to share our five favorite simple link building techniques that you can start implementing today to build links from quality sites.

natutal profile link building techniques

A natural profile link building is a freely given editorial link and an unnatural link is a link you make yourself. Both affect rankings in Google.

– Google is on record saying it does not want to count any link that is not editorial.
– Google wants to reward high-quality ‘user value add’ content that has earned organic or natural links. They want to reward a ‘good user experience’ and unnatural links don’t form any part of that concept.
– Google has never wanted to count manufactured links – but its algorithms don’t work as well as they would like or at least, they say they do. So, some marketers shortcut the ‘value add’ task of the job and just build unnatural links to a site. This affects how a link-based search engine – like Google – rates the ‘popularity’ – and so ranking ability – of a particular website.
– The more links Google hasn’t classed as spam – the higher you rank – and the more traffic you get. Sort of.
The type of links Google wants to count does not scale easily, and in fact, the type of links that scale easily is exactly the type of links Google wants to (at best) ignore or retroactively punish the violation. Perhaps that is the whole point.
– Critics will say this is because SEO is the biggest ‘threat’ to Adwords, Google’s sponsored advertising channel – but if Google didn’t take action on industrial scale manipulation – it would make the existence of their guidelines redundant.
– If a link is manipulative – it is spam – according to the Googleplex.
– You don’t need machine automation to be classed as a spammer. Somebody sitting at a desk making these low-quality links all day – manually – to fool only Google – that’s spam too – manual or not.
Posting lots of low-quality guest posts or low-quality press releases on sites with a history of spamming Google – that’s spam too. It all comes down to the end product – the type of link you generate as a result of your activity.
– If links are designed ‘JUST’ to manipulate Google – Google calls them unnatural links – and if you have too many of them – you get a ‘penalty’ – or at least swept up in the carnage of the next negative algorithm update designed specifically to de-rank sites with those kinds of links. Ranking adjustments, I think, could be based on how long you got away with fooling Google – and what Google thinks that deserves.
– The website link building industry was largely based on that kind of unnatural link building activity. Many still do practice those techniques now, clearly, ignoring the guidelines. I know the first links I ever ‘built’ would today be labelled ‘unnatural’ today – and so would my first optimisation techniques – but it’s a recognisable trend in Google what’s grey hat SEO today is black hat seo tomorrow.
– Take note that if it works to manipulate Google without you jumping through the value-add hoop in the middle of that strategy, which Google demands you jump through – it’s spam. In short, it is evident if it is a scalable approach to manipulating Google – it’s spam.
– The professional services industry, which is led heavily by the Google PR machine, has little chance of deviating from Google’s Webmaster Guidelines, for fear of, some say, Google’s heavy-handed approach

Read more Tips for link building to speed up keyword ranking


Please contact us for seo service packages at TDHSEO.COM.


Skype: tdhseo

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SEO services to get keywords on the first page of Google

When someone mentions to website development, everyone imagines a website which is quite popular among public. One of the crucial factors to boost website ranking is SEO. Yes it’s absolutely SEO.

Because SEO is core of online business and development of every website. Without seo, the website is like a castle in the middle of a desert. Without seo, your website is just like a good restaurant somewhere in a deserted place where nobody knows.

The role of SEO in development of website is very important , keyword ranking will decide the existence of website. As keywords reaching to top of Google, you’ll get everything, without it,  you got nothing.

Therefore, SEO is the best solution for any businessman because SEO is taking lowest cost and cheaper than advertising channel

According to calculations by, seo cost is only 1/5 of cost of running ads, even when it compares to many competitive keywords, the cost of seo is only 1/10 compared to running ads.

On the other hand,  you can use so many keywords to target customers. With SEO, you can reach extremely diverse customers through an unlimited number of keywords, belonging to many different fields and different ages. That is the great advantage of SEO compared to other digital marketing channels.

Best SEO services

With seo, you can feel easy to target customers through specific keywords. With Ads, you feel harder to control cost because you don’t have keyword tool to assess. When you buy ads on facebook or instagram, customers who are interested in clicking, if they are not inspiring they will ignore your ads.

In sum, seo is necessary and indispensable for any website. Investing in SEO is a clever decision for both present and future. Your own business will grow stronger by SEO. Using a good seo service means your website ranking speed up everyday, it goes further than other competitors. is pleased to provide a safe and sustainable white hat seo service to lift your website development up to a higher level. With a quality seo service we provide, you can lean on ours who helps your keywords accelerate strongly, increase revenue, overtake competitors.

Please contact us for seo service packages at TDHSEO.COM. We now offer total seo service packages and cheap seo service packages for customers to have more choices.



Skype: tdhseo

Facebook Messenger: tdhseocom

WhatsApp: +084779089915

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The most efficient cheap seo service provider

There are currently many seo service providers on the market, with many different scales from small to large. On the other hand,  seo service packages are also very diverse, from cheap seo services to total seo services for large, medium and small businesses with different prices.

However, some seo providers who offer much higher prices than usual. It makes hard to choose because of seo cost issue that may become a problem for a businessman when he just starts his own website at the opening stage.

For so many people, who own a low budget for digital marketing, find it difficult to choose a seo service that can meet their various demand because of high seo cost. In such a situation, you need to think much about pricing. As a price plays an important role, it helps you cut down expenses for seo.

Have you ever heard “a seo service – two in one: cheap but efficient”? If the answer is Yes, so we are – the one you are looking for. We offer a cheap seo service package and we commit our price is lower than others

The best cheap seo service provider

At, all the best of seo service is set up to bring the true value to our customers who need a reliable seo servcie provider to improve keyword ranking.  We both help you increase website ranking and save seo cost.  You get what you pay, and you deserve to have optimal effieciency from our services. With a minimum seo budget, you’ll be satisfied to see how your keywords speed up everyday.

Cheap but good – that’s our motto, We do help you optimize your seo costs, and improve your keyword ranking on the top of Google stable each year. We ensure your keywords are less volatility and less influenced by Google algorithms. Our white hat SEO (Clean SEO) provides long-term safety and stability for your website.

For more information about our seo service packages, please contact us here.



Skype: tdhseo

Facebook Messenger: tdhseocom

WhatsApp: +084779089915

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