Best tips to get an effective Google Adwords Campaign

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Best tips to get an effective Google Adwords Campaign

Category : Google Ads

The key to increasing sales with Google Ads lies in testing and optimization. But where to start? Whether you are a new store owner or a seasoned advertiser, there are a number of must-test Google tips you should be implementing in your optimization strategy.

Up Your Negative Keyword Game

Negative keywords are one of the most powerful elements of your Google Ads campaigns. Although often overlooked by novice Google Ads advertisers, negative keywords ensure that you’re eliminating searchers that aren’t relevant to your products and niche. The three key benefits of using negative keywords are that they:

Keep ROIs on point, as they prevent spending money on keywords where you won’t get a good return
Ensure searchers are only shown ads that are relevant to what they are searching for
Increase the likelihood of more targeted traffic, which in turn increases conversion potential
Negative keywords are one of the first optimization steps you should take to improve the performance of your campaigns or ad groups.

To increase sales from your Google Ads, you want to test adding negative keywords to campaigns or ad groups that have poor metrics. This includes ads that have low CTRs or your high-cost ads that are yielding few or no conversions.

Finding Negative Keywords

There are three ways you can discover possible negative keywords for your campaigns:

– Use Google’s autocomplete feature to point to the relevance, or lack of relevance, of your keywords.

– Use Google to search for the keywords you’re advertising with or want to test, to see who is advertising with those keywords as well as what organic search results come up. For example, you may be considering glasses as a good search term for your homeware product, but it is more likely to bring you a lot of people looking for eyeglasses and thus negatively affect your CTRs.
negative keywords affect search

– Use keyword research tools such as SEMrush or Kparser

Assess what search terms are showing your adverts and tune out irrelevant searches through keyword search terms and negative keyword management.

Monitor what phrases people are searching for that click through on your advert, but you may not have considered. Add these terms to your keyword list, or if they are not relevant then add them to the negative keyword list to prevent your ad showing. Adding negative keywords help you focus on only the keywords that matter to your customers. Make sure you prepare a Negative keyword list for your campaign from the start too, what type of visitor do you not want to attract?

For example, if you are not wanting job hunters consider adding job, jobs and apprentice to your negative keyword list.

Find this on the new UX: Left hand side panel: Keywords – Tab: Search Terms – Tab: Negative Keywords

Spread the impressions around

In addition to collecting enough data, you also need to make sure your data is properly distributed among your ads. The temptation is to use the AdWords default option to “optimize for clicks,” but doing this might cause more traffic to go to certain ads over others. In the first stages of optimizing, it’s more important to spread out clicks so you give all ad variations a fair shot. Set ads in new campaigns to “rotate indefinitely.”

Block bad Display Network placements

The Display Network is a great source of cheap, high-volume traffic. But if you’re not careful, you’ll end up paying for a ton of clicks that don’t convert into leads and sales.

If your Display Network CTR is suffering, try running a Placement report in Google AdWords. This report will show which Display Network websites are showing your ads, as well as metrics such as impressions and conversions from each of those sites. Identify which websites don’t send converting traffic and block them in your campaigns. Oftentimes, you’ll find these websites have little to do with the goods and services you’re marketing.

Google Adwords Campaign

Stretch Your Budget With Long Tail Keywords

Another way to refine your campaigns to ensure you are getting more targeted traffic that converts is to test and add long tail keywords. Long tail keywords mean less competition and a higher chance of converting, and even though they are seen as ‘unpopular’ they can lower CPCs while increasing sales. In one ahrefs study of 1.9 billion keywords, they found that 29% of keywords with 10k searchers per month consist of three words or more.

You can find long tail keywords with the help of either Google’s autocomplete, or ahrefs or other keyword research tools. However, you also want to look at your current organic traffic data to find possible long tails people are using to get to your products that you haven’t thought about.

There is one additional approach worth outlining here specifically, and that’s using sites like Answer the Public to find questions people are asking. Questions are a great way of using long tail keywords to your advantage.

Always split test new ads

A good online advertising strategy is always evolving. Riding the performance of a single high-performing ad is only a recipe for temporary success. Split testing at least two ads per ad group is essential for maintaining success and staying ahead of the curve.

Early on in your campaign, don’t waste time split testing ads that are just slight variations of each other. Instead, write ads that employ different sales tactics. Try one ad that touts a benefit of what you’re selling, then another that mentions your limited-time sale. You can also write ads that appeal to emotions using simple, powerful words such as “imagine” and “discover.”

Don’t instantly give up on ads that you’re split testing. Go through your standard steps of optimization. That said, don’t hesitate to shut down a struggling ad and replace it with something completely new.

Audit Your Keywords and Remove Duplicates

As you’re growing your Google Ads campaign list while optimizing and adding keywords, it’s common for even experienced advertisers to forget to remove duplicate keywords.

Why is it so important to stay on top of your keywords and remove duplicates? Because they impact your Quality Score while eating up your budget unnecessarily. If you’re bidding on the same keyword more than once, both are submitted to auctions and thus you’re essentially competing with yourself and unnecessarily increasing CPCs.

That’s not to say there aren’t instances where you should bid on duplicate keywords. Duplicates are effective when:

– Bidding on the same keywords that will be used for different placements, search and display ads.
– Using different match types for duplicate keywords.
– Ads are segmented to serve difference locations; you would then bid on the same keyword in each campaign that services a different place.

Read more How to increase your sales by Google Ads


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Tips To Maximize PPC profitability

Category : Google Ads

In some cases, adjusting your bids might not be enough for your business. For these situations, you should consider decreasing your sales. This sounds counterintuitive, I know, but hear me out. By making each sale significantly more profitable, you need fewer sales to boost your overall profits and ROAS.

There are two main ways you can actually decrease sales whilst still raising overall profitability. Remember that turnover is vanity, but profit is sanity!

Raising product prices to increase profits

It may sound obvious to some advertisers and alarmingly risky to others, but actually increasing product prices can lead to higher profitability if done correctly.

An ecommerce client of ours was complaining about keeping up with the demand of their main product online, they were very busy manufacturing the product (luxury coats) and had to stop selling certain colors and sizes due to popularity. We raised prices of the coats by 70%, and the number of sales fell by just under 43%, a huge improvement to their bottom line overall.

Clearly, raising prices generates more profitability per sale, but when other costs are factored in you could actually triple the profitability with just a small overall price increase:

raising product prices

Raising prices has a negative effect on the number of sales overall giving a profit vs. price relationship as shown below:

product price vs profit relation chart

Setting prices too high will stop any sale from happening, too low and you could spend more on advertising and other costs than actual revenue generated.

What we’re after in this case is the magical sweet spot of price profitability vs. conversion rate, i.e., the highest point on the CPC vs. profit curve.

Tweaking prices is, therefore, a great way of optimizing an individual product and you now see dynamic pricing across many limited-service industries such as flights, hotels, and taxi apps.

Raising average order values to increase profits

For some mass manufacturers, B2B product sellers or bulk drop-shippers, there’s a catch-22 situation when it comes to the Google or Bing Shopping platforms:

  • You can openly sell products on your website. This enables shopping campaigns, but your product prices must be shown on the website, and you may get many smaller orders from the general public.
  • You can sell products only to registered or approved website users. This blocks shopping campaigns from being available (prices must be public for shopping campaigns to exist), but your product prices are hidden, and you can set minimum costs for an entire order.

Our client wanted the best of both worlds. They wanted maximum traffic and exposure on Google and Bing Shopping, but at the same time, they wanted to discourage time-wasters with orders of only one or two products.

Here, product delivery overheads are very similar if a customer wants one item or as many as 20 items, thus making really small orders non-profitable.

The solution to this problem was to increase the average order value (AOV) by reducing bids on keywords, ad groups, and shopping product groups if they fell under a certain level:

average order value vs bid adjustments

Bid adjustments were not applied when the AOV was over a highly profitable threshold (£50 in this case), and they were applied in a negative linear fashion when under the value.

The minimum bid adjustment was set to -80% in order to keep ads within the first page of results more often and to not totally kill off any product bids.

The results from this were impressive in many ways for our client:

  • The average number of deliveries decreased, lowering internal delivery costs
  • Less administration work was needed, improving the quality and speed of admin tasks
  • Total delivery times were shorter, leading to an increase in positive customer reviews
  • Average order value increased, raising the average return on ad spend


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How to increase your sales by Google Ads

Category : Google Ads

One of the biggest challenges automotive marketers face is gaining the trust of their leads. After all, the job of a marketer is to help bring leads in the door so the sales team has people to sell to. But in such a competitive industry—one where the consumer is making a rather large financial decision that will affect their everyday life—automotive marketers do not have it made in the shade.

So how can automotive marketers deal with these challenges? By being smarter about their online advertising. 97% of people looking to purchase, repair, or customize a car start their journey online.

image of woman on car

Let’s dive into nine key ways you can bring potential automotive customers in the door through compelling online advertising.

1. Build trust with customer reviews

I will never forget leasing my first car. I went for the reliable, affordable, and decent-looking (in my opinion) Honda Accord, but I was terrified at making this decision. I spent months doing research, calling local dealerships, considering whether leasing or buying a used car was the better route to go. At the end of day, I decided where to look in person by reading customer reviews on Yelp and Google.

The point of this anecdote is this: Reviews are perhaps the most critical component to getting leads in the door. As an automotive marketer you need to not only ensure you have GOOD reviews, but you need to go above and beyond to ensure these glowing reviews are everywhere they can possibly be. Yelp, Google, social networks, your own website—ensure you are covering all your bases! You can also take things a step further by creating customer success stories and videos with your most valued customers, and use these in various places, like paid social ads, your website, or your newsletter.

automotive marketing customer reviews

There is no better way to instill trust than to let your customers speak for you!

2. Be at the top of the Google SERP

As mentioned above, when I first started searching for my new car where did I turn to? Google, of course! I am not alone in this. According to a study from Kenshoo, 70% of consumers researching cars turn to search engines first.

Since Google is the first line of defense you need to be at the very top! Especially considering how often people scroll to the bottom of the SERP (HINT: it is not often). The first few listings always get the most clicks, so ensuring you in the top positions is critical. To do this your Google Ads strategy need to be extremely effective. So how can you get to the top of the page without completely breaking the bank? There are certain strategies that Google tends to favor, and will help you get in higher positions without spending more. Follow these tips to get started:

  • Ensure your Google Ads account is structured properly with tight-knit ad groups (aim to have 15-20 keywords per ad group).
  • Keep keywords tightly related to your ad text, and include 2-3 ads per ad group/keyword list.
  • Use ad extensions! Google loves them, and they will help you get more ad real estate and chances of lead interaction.
  • Add negative keywords to block out irrelevant searches (and keep a close eye on your search query report).
  • Allocate your budget properly between campaigns. What are your highest sellers? What is your target audience most likely to search for? Bid higher on these items to capitalize on what is popular among your audience

It’s also important not to forget about other search networks, like Bing.

Bing Ads breakdown by audience

While Bing might seem like the neglected cousin of Google, they do account for a section of the search market that typically attracts older folks—people who are probably more financially established and able to invest in expensive cars.

3. Bid on competitor keywords

While we’re talking about search engine marketing, it’s important to not only be bidding on the obvious keywords like “new Honda Accord.” You should also set up a campaign to tackle your competition.

It is a fierce and competitive world in automotive marketing, so being able to show up every time your competition does with compelling ad copy is key. While I would not recommend saying anything negative or using your competitor’s name in your ad copy (which Google could put you in time out for), you should bid on your top competitors brand names, and create highly persuasive ads to get leads to visit your website over your competition.

I love this ad from Toyota for instance:

automotive marketing search ad for college grads

While I can’t see if they’re bidding on competitor keywords or not, I love how they are appealing directly to a specific demographic, and adding value for that individual right in the headline of their ad.

4. Actively manage your negative keyword list

Did you know that your ads can show up for searches that are not relevant to your business? And if anyone clicks on them, you still have to pay? Whenever you are bidding on broad or phrase match keywords the potential to show up for irrelevant searches is present.

While just bidding on exact match might seem like a nice solution, this will greatly limit your reach potential, which makes the process of identifying negative keywords critical to your search strategy. While searching your search query report might feel like a time-consuming task it is an absolute necessity, especially in the automotive industry. If your ads are appearing for irrelevant search terms your business instantly loses credibility. This is why being cognizant about setting up negatives to avoid irrelevant search queries is not only going to save you face, but also going to save you money.

For instance, imagine if you’re bidding on the keyword “affordable cars” and your ad appears for the search “toy cars,” and then a busy parent accidently clicks. This is not only a waste of time for the parent, but it’s a waste of money for you!

search results for "big toy cars"

WordStream Advisor makes it quite easy for you to manage your negative keyword list through tools like the 20-Minute Work Week, which helps weed out irrelevant searches, and our search query report to find and configure your negative keyword lists.

5. Adjust your campaign budgets based on car-buying trends

Is Black Friday the hottest day to buy a car? What about Memorial Day Weekend? There are many unofficial “car-buying holidays.” According to an analysis done by and U.S. News & World Report, you can purchase a vehicle for 7.5% to 8% below MSRP if you’re strategic about when you buy it. Assuming your audience has done their fair share of research, they are aware of these automotive deal times.

Figure out when things are busy, steady, and slow and then adjust your online advertising budget accordingly. Make sure your windows aren’t too narrow. This often requires planning ahead, but Google and other ad platforms make it fairly easy to adjust your budget on an ongoing basis. Just make sure you’re actually doing this!

automotive marketing ad schedule

Another thing to take advantage of is ad scheduling. When do customers typically come into the store? Weekends? Weekdays post work? Look at the data to determine this and set an ad schedule so your ads are only running at a higher budget right before these key times, reminding your future customers to come on by.

6. Target the right people with your automotive campaigns

What type of automotive business are you marketing? Who is your typical customer? There needs to be a different strategy for marketers of luxury Porshe and BMWs versus marketers of used cars or more affordable brands like Honda and Toyota. The prospective customers have drastically different concerns, questions, wants and needs when it comes to investing in a new car. While your Mercedes customer may be more concerned about their heated seats and leather interior, your Honda buyer most likely care more about gas mileage and longevity.  Although this might not always be the case…

image of people on car

“Those who buy luxury cars more likely crave social status and material wealth, as opposed to utilitarian cars which consumers buy out of necessity,” says Julia Manoukian.

Different audiences need to be broken down and targeted separately. Considering the main things your audience cares about is a critical way to get the right message to the right person and increase the chance of conversion.

If necessary, you may need to split your audiences into two, three, or even four separate campaigns to ensure you’re sending the right message to the right prospect. And, of course, with tools like Facebook’s targeting options this is not as complex as it once was. Just ensure you spend the time to define your audiences so you can craft the right message to the right person at the right time!

Read more Best tips to get an effective Google Adwords Campaign


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Good ways to improve PPC quality

Category : Google Ads

When working on improving lead quality, it’s almost inevitable that you’ll also lower the number of leads you’re generating. Ideally, the number of quality leads is going up as overall leads declines. This means you’re avoiding the lower quality leads that are easier to come by, and instead are generating higher quality leads.

When working on lead quality, it’s important that you expect a number of things to happen to your KPIs:

  • Overall lead volume will decrease
  • High-quality lead volume should increase
  • Cost per lead usually goes up
  • Cost per high-quality lead should go down
  • Click-through rate typically goes down

If that sounds like something you can stomach, then we’re all set.

Now that we have our expectations set, let’s get into the nitty gritty.

Here are five strategies I’ve successfully used to improve B2B lead quality that can help any lead generation campaign.

1. Target more specific keywords

All search campaigns start with the keywords. They’re the backbone of the campaign, and they determine who you will get in front of, what ad copy needs to be written, which landing pages you should use, and so on.

When working to improve lead quality, one of the first things you should do is revisit your keywords.

Long tail vs. short tail

How many words make up the majority of your keywords? Typically, the shorter the keyword the less intent you can assign to its associated queries.

If most of your keywords are one or two words long, can you lengthen them by adding a modifier to make them more specific?

The name of the game for lead quality is finding those users who actually know what they want, and long-tail keywords are a better way to target them.

Although it’s a small difference, someone who types in “life insurance policies” is arguably more qualified than someone who types in “insurance policies.” They’ve already clarified what type of insurance policy they’re after, making them more likely to buy.

How can you take your current keyword list and make those keywords more specific? Are there modifiers like the example above that you can add to your keywords to give them higher intent?

Match types

Like keyword length, match types can play a big part in lead quality. Exact and phrase match allow for the most control in keyword matching, so if most of your leads are coming from your broad match terms, this could be causing issues.

adwords exact match keyword change examples

To combat poor matches, you’ll need to pick one of two strategies:

  • Be more vigilant with search query reviews and negative keyword additions, or
  • Limit your use of broader match types.

Neither is perfect. One requires more ongoing optimizations while the other can limit volume more severely. Choose the one that’s right for you, but don’t be afraid to make adjustments over time.

2. Use qualifying copy in ads

We’re always trying to find the most appealing ad copy for our potential customers; always on the lookout for which headline or call to action will get that bump in CTR and potentially increase your conversion rate.

But not when quality is the focus.

When quality is the focus, we want to purposefully deter some users from clicking on our ads. This needs to be done tactfully. Just because someone isn’t in the right place to click and convert now, doesn’t mean they never will be.

Continuing with the life insurance example, if someone searches for “life insurance policies,” we want to show for that query. But let’s say we’re also trying to sign more clients with multiple policies bundled together. Instead of writing copy that speaks only to life insurance, we might write something that calls out the bundle deal.

lead quality example of ad copy without qualifying language
lead quality example of ad copy without qualifying language

For those users not interested in bundles, they’ll likely click on another ad on the SERP that speaks only to life insurance. Less qualified click averted!

3. Write landing pages for target customers, not all customers

Now that the user has gotten through your first two filters with keywords and ad copy, what else can we do?

Landing page copy is yet another tool to further qualify the users on the page. I like to use the landing page copy to outline what our ideal customers would be.

Nearly anyone is eligible for life insurance, but likely we’re going to want younger, healthier people. So in the body copy of the page, call out those characteristics as what your product is built for. Use images of young, healthy people living their best lives.

lead quality landing page example

The same type of logic would apply to a B2B SaaS provider. Typically, those companies make more money on larger accounts. Even if your solution works for businesses of all sizes, use copy that specifically calls out “Businesses with 50+ Employees” or whatever your parameters are. You could even write a header that says, “Best suited for companies who…” and then give a series of bullet points outlining your target customer.

You can be as subtle or as bold as you like, but be sure you’re using your landing page to help qualify users.

4. Give your form the attention it deserves

One surefire way to scare off folks who are only window shopping is to ask them for more information. It’s

the highest price anyone can pay to a lead generation company. If you’re noticing a large number of forms filled by lower quality leads, try increasing the amount of information you ask for.

When using Facebook ads for lead gen, we saw an increase in lead quality when increasing the number of form fields from the first to the second forms below.

Facebook lead ad create form
Facebook lead ad create form example

Now, that’s not to say you should just throw any old question in there. Be sure it makes sense in the context of the form.

One way I like to go about it: What is one additional piece that you or your sales team would love to have already in hand when following up with this lead? Annual revenue? Number of employees? Income level?

In the example above, by adding in questions about industry, job title, and company name, our sales teams were able to better speak to the lead’s individual needs simply by doing a little research before the follow up call. The sales team felt prepared and the lead felt heard. A win-win.

In addition to the number of form fields, it’s also important to pay attention to what exactly you’re asking for in a form.

There’s a big difference in asking for an email address and a work email address, and yet for sake of ease or laziness we leave the field identifier as “Email.” Similar to a slight change in keywords “insurance” to “life insurance,” be sure you’re asking the user to give the exact information you want in your forms.

Read more Tips To Maximize PPC profitability


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The way to increase Click Through Rate

Category : Google Ads

campaign’s click-through rate is actually a ratio of how many people clicked through a link to visit a page or other digital medium compared to the total number of people who saw the campaign.

The more click-throughs you have, theoretically, the more targeted your campaigns are and the more they seem to speak to your prospects’ needs.

Of course, just because someone clicks through a link to land on a page doesn’t mean they’ll browse, linger, and buy. A prospect could easily click through and bounce. That’s why you should never use this KPI by itself to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Your CTR does matter, however, and the greater the number, the more successful your ads are deemed to be, or emails, or whatever else you’re using to measure the CTR.

Click-Through Rate Formula

Before we begin breaking down the average click-through rate, so that you can determine how your campaigns are performing against the national averages, it’s important to learn how to calculate CTR all on your own.

For this, we will use a simple formula.

Click Through Rate = Number of Click-Throughs / Number of Impressions x 100 (to get the percentage)

When working with email, we won’t use impressions, but the number of tracked messages delivered. The rest of the CTR calculation will remain the same.

For example, if your ad campaigns list 1000 impressions and 23 click-throughs, your formula will look like this:

CTR =  23 / 1000 x 100 = 2.3%

Is that a good or a bad CTR? Let’s find out.

What is a Good Click-Through Rate?

Now that you know how to analyze click-through rate, you might wonder how your campaigns measure up.

For paid digital ads, Wordstream reported that the average Adwords click-through rate is 1.91% on search and 0.35% on display.

Facebook Ad click-through rates range from 0.5% to 1.6%.

When it comes to email CTRs, Mailchimp reported that email click-through ratesvary widely by industry. For example, restaurants show a CTR of 1.25% while the hobbies sector ranges around 5.13%.

Real Life Examples of Measuring Click-Through Rates in Marketing

Digital marketers everywhere are attempting to improve their campaign click-through rates. Let’s look at a few examples of how they’re doing so.

Email Click-Through Rate

Out of all the challenges email marketers face, suffering from low click-throughsseems to top the charts.

Most Challenging Obstacles to Email Marketing Success


SuperOffice is one such company. They report a higher-than-average email open rate of a whopping 40%. Yet, the organization’s CTR is only 4%.You know how they figured out how to improve click-through rates? Simply by sending their emails on different days of the week.Effect on Day of the Week Click Through Rates

By changing the days, the brand managed to increase CTRs by more than 100% on Saturdays and Sundays.

SuperOffice further boosted their click-through rates by segmenting their audience, which made their emails more highly targeted for more clickable success.

38% click through rate in email marketing campaign


Look how Keap managed to increase CTRs just by altering the send times of each email.

email performance by hour

Calculating Email Click-Through Rates

As we covered earlier, measuring CTRs for emails is the same as it is for advertisements, you’ll merely switch “Impressions” with “Number of Emails Delivered.”

For instance, if you send an email to 250 subscribers and 20 clicks on a link contained within the email, your CTR would be:

CTR = 20 / 1000 x 100 = 2%.

The more people who click on the email’s links, the more successful the email is said to be.

In fact, CTR is seen by email marketers as one of the most critical KPIs for measuring email marketing success, second only to open rates and delivery rates.

email marketing metrics


Benefits of Increasing Your Email Click-Through Rate

When an individual opens an email, they do so because of two primary factors. 1) They recognized the recipient 2) The email’s subject line reeled them in; and most probably both.

Once inside the email, the information had better be targeted and relevant, or else most won’t read to the very bottom. And the bottom of the email is typically where the link resides.

At any rate, a great email not only attracts readers, but it also entices the click.

More click-throughs simply means that your email marketing efforts are paying off.

Of course and once again, email CTRs are only part of the story. Your readers could click through your emails only to bounce from your landing page. That’s why your entire marketing message has to be consistent and cohesive.

But excellent CTRs for your emails is definitely an excellent start to an effective digital marketing campaign.

How to Boost Organic Click-Through Rates

A search engine optimization campaign has the ultimate goal of jumping to the top of the search engine results pages (SERPs). Getting to the top of Google’s first page for your primary keywords is quite a feat, but only if your click-through rates rise along with your rankings.

What good is an organic listing if few leads click on it? Instead, you’ll want to work on improving your organic click-through rates to keep the leads flowing in from Google and other search sources.

Advanced Web Ranking has created a chart that shows the average Google click-through rates according to the use of both mobile and desktop devices.

Notice how the click-through rates are highest for the first position of the Google SERPs.

The click-through rates are 29.79 for desktop and 22.32 for mobile, respectively, as seen below.

A mere one spot drop leads to a drastic reduction in CTRs. For desktop, the second spot leads to a CTR of 14.96 for desktops and 13.95 for mobile.

So, you can see that attaining the top spot in Google is key if you hope for maximum traffic and engagement.

Even if you don’t achieve top positioning, you can improve your CTRs in the following ways.

Microsoft found that organic listings performed better with regards to click-through rates when the URLs were descriptive.

This way, people actually get to see where they’re about to end up, making your link much more enticing to click.

how to improve organic ctr descriptive urls

You can also increase your click-through rates by writing descriptive meta descriptions and making sure they’re unique for each page.

You are also encouraged to use Schema markup, which outlines your organic listings for clearer selections and a more prominent attractive Google profile.

Benefits of Increasing Your Organic Click-Through Rate

The largest benefit of a higher organic CTR is that you could potentially earn more prominent Google rankings.

Wordstream found through research that increasing click-through rates led to higher organic rankings. If you want to move one spot, for instance, you need to increase your organic click-through rates by 3%.

It makes sense, as Google wants to deliver to its users the most valuable pages possible and a high CTR indicates that you’re offering exactly that.

Turns out, increasing your CTRs also improves your conversion rates.

This also makes sense, as the more traffic you earn, the higher your chances of converting those folks into paying customers.

PPC Click-Through Rate

When you manage to create relevant and quality ads that speak to your prospects’ needs, you’re more likely to get a click-through.

You can increase your PPC CTR like ducttapemarketing by using trademark and registered symbols in your ads. Doing so conveys credibility and trust, which users prefer if they’re going to click your ad.

How to Increase PPC CTR with These Quick Tips

Other tips include using sitelinks. Like Schema markup for organic listings, sitelinks give prospects more choices by outlining your site so they can make the exact selections they need.

How to Increase PPC CTR with These Quick Tips

And a strong call-to-action. If you want them to click-through your ad, you might as well tell them what they’ll get once they do so. In this case, book your ticket is a great way for Clear Trip to get its ad audience to act.

How to Increase PPC CTR with These Quick Tips

Benefits of Increasing Your PPC Click-Through Rate

If you can manage to maintain a good click-through rate, your Quality Score will rise. This tells Google that you care about quality and want to deliver the best ad experience possible to your users. This puts you head and shoulder above anyone just starting out on the Adwords platform, and with seniority comes many benefits.

One benefit is that you’ll be able to save on your cost-per-click rates. This is Google’s way of rewarding you for keeping up the good work. With these savings, you can compete for all your high-value keywords while spending less of your ad budget.

Google will also reward you with greater impression share. This is how often your ads show up for your audience.  For example, on the Google Search Network, a mere one-point increase or decrease could massively impact the impression share of all the ads you have in place.

The thing is, you likely don’t have to improve your click-through rates that much. The national average for Adwords CTR is only 3.40% at its highest for the dating and personals category and .84% at its pinnacle for technology.

Read more Why should you use DoubleClick Search


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Great tips for google adwords keyword tool

Category : Google Ads

This keyword tool is one of the best ways to establish a baseline list of AdWords keyword ideas for your website. You enter a word or phrase, or alternatively, a URL, and the free AdWords Keyword Tool spits back a list of related keywords and some additional traffic data. Make most of Google Adwords Keyword Tool by following the given strategies

1.Draw ideas from the Adwords Keyword Tool

The Google AdWords Keyword Tool helps you get keyword ideas. It is an important process when it comes to keyword optimization. The Google Adwords Keyword Tool can build a keyword list that is relevant to a business and thereby ensure the business is able to focus on the target audience at an advanced stage. The keyword tool can also be used to search for new keywords and ideas that can define a marketing or targeting campaign.

2. Optimize match types

When using the Google Adwords Keyword Tool, it is important to optimize match types to bring about a correct picture of the keywords that will be useful to a campaign. With the choices to exploit broad, exact or phrase setting of the keywords, selecting the appropriate keyword stands as a crucial step because it will inform the kinds of keywords generated. The miscellaneous options define the keywords depending on the option of having other keywords that mention the keyword, keywords where exact phrase is used or the exact form of the keyword.

3.Rank keywords 

Another relevant tip to consider while using Google AdWords Keyword Tool is the ranking of the keywords. This tool makes it possible to upload the list of keywords after which the same are rated as per low, medium and high settings. The tool also helps the user to reveal priority keywords for the competition including the cost to be incurred when bidding for the same.

4. Search new keyword combinations 

The Google AdWords Keyword Tool is one of the paramount platforms that can be used to search new keyword combinations & this is mainly done through expansion of the keyword list. Expansion is done by inserting the different lists of keywords and allowing the tool to merge the lists which creates new combinations that can easily be adopted for a specific campaign. The tool thus becomes a major contributor in this respect which represents a major success in terms of finding new alternatives and combinations.

 5. Assess how competitive your keywords are

Competition for ad rank can inflate your ad costs substantially. In order to get a better feel for what your competitors are bidding on, upload your keywords and Google will give you a ranking for each. The ranking will be either low, medium, or high, on the basis of how many other people are bidding on a particular keyword. This can help you decide what types of keywords are high priorities for your competition as well as give you an idea about potential cost.

6.Find impression volumes 

The best benefit of the Google AdWords Keyword Tool is to find impression volumes. The process of getting the impression volumes comprises inserting the keyword list which the tool uses in the process of breaking down the same to produce search volumes for each keyword. This then informs a marketing campaign since a marketer is able to make a decision on the preferred keywords to utilize according to the goals and targets of a campaign.

Read more How to choose a right AdWords Keyword


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How to choose a right AdWords Keyword

An exact match keyword by definition shows your ad only to search queries that match exactly with your keyword or a close variant of the exact match.

For example if you specify  [hotel rooms with bed & breakfast in NY], your ad will get triggered off only if the user types in the exact above search query or a very close variant of the same.  The big benefit of using exact match keywords are:-

  1. You practically eliminate all wastage in your campaign. The chances of your ad being clicked on (which costs you money!) is near zero.
  2. Your clicks to conversion ratios will be the best as you are exactly showing what the user is searching for.
  3. Your audience is much sharper.
  4. You spend far lesser money on your campaign and get a better ROI from it

However, what should be borne in mind is that with an exact match keyword types you are likely receive the least number of impressions and clicks than in any other keyword match type.

This happens because you have restricted the search query to a single set of keywords.

The big downside is of course you are likely to get far lower number of leads as compared to when you use Phrase or a Broad Match Modifier as your keyword match type.

Google Adwords- step by step guide
Google Adwords- step by step guide

What instances should you be using Exact Match Keywords?

What type of keyword match you should be using will largely depend on your campaign objectives. If your objective is to generate relevant traffic to your website, you should opt for a Broad Match or a Broad Match Modifier.

However, if you objective is to generate sales or highly pre-qualified leads, you should stick to using Exact Match Keywords.

Impact of changing match types from Broad to Phrase to Exact Match Type

Take a look at the example alongside, where we have looked at the keyword digital marketing agency and digital marketing agencies .

Let’s take a look at how the numbers stack up when we choose these two keywords and run a campaign using Broad, Match or Exact Matches

using broad match


Using the Google AdWord Keyword planner tool we looked at the 2 words to see the impact on impressions, clicks and budget using a CPC bid price at Rs. 100/-. The 1st picture shows that with a CPC bid at Rs. 100, I should be getting about 124 clicks out of 3687 impressions and spending about Rs. 9130.

By default as I mentioned, Google always, always shows keywords in broad match! It’s their own sweet way of ensuring that the un-trained google advertisers end up spending money without getting results!

Now let’s see what happens when I change the match type from Broad to Phrase Match

using phrase match keyword type

Whoops! The minute I change the match type keyword, while keeping the CPC bid the same, the number of expected clicks drop to about 48 clicks with an impression value of 1784 and a total spend of about Rs. 4000/-

Now, that’s a drastic drop!

Let’s see what happens when I further tighten the search query to only my ad for the exact keyword match type of the two words.

Using Exact Match Type

Holy cow!

The number of estimated clicks drop down to 9.36 clicks, impressions fall to 424 and total spend to only Rs. 736/-!!

Here’s how all 3 stack up together.

Estimated Clicks Estimated Impressions Estimated Spends
Broad Match 124 3687 9130
Phrase Match   48 1784 4000
Exact Match    9   424   736


As one can see, there is indeed a drastic drop in the estimated number of clicks when you move from a broad match keyword type to an exact match keyword. And the drop is significant.

How do you change keyword match types?

It is a good practice to check the implications and impact on the number of clicks that you will get when you shift to a new keyword match type on your google keyword planner tool.

To change the match type

  1. Select the keyword by checking the box
  2. Go to Match Type tab. Choose ALL and then choose the match type

Your keyword will be changed automatically to the match type you have chosen. Note that the keywords appear differently in each match type

Broad Match

broad match








Phrase Match

phrase match


The keywords appear within inverted commas. When you add keywords in your actual campaign and you want to specify them as Phrase match keywords remember to put the keywords within inverted commas as shown in the picture.





Exact Match

exact match

Note that the keywords now appear within brackets. This denotes that the keyword is an exact match. Remember to specify your keywords in your actual campaign in this manner if you are choosing exact match

Changing keyword matches in actual campaign

To change keywords that you are already running in your Google AdWords Campaign to a new match type, go to your main campaign dashboard and select the tab KEYWORD

campaign dashboard




Choose the keyword that you want to change the match type for by checking on the box beside the keyword.

changing match type to exact keyword


Select Change Match Types. This will open a new page

Check the current match type of the word (broad, exact or phrase) and then select the match type you want to change it to.

Make the changes to save it. Keep in mind that you will be essentially creating a new keyword and all the data pertaining to the old keyword match type will not be available for the new keyword. The old keyword match type however will be shown as paused and you can see the old data points by looking under paused keywords

Note: You can’t change a broad match modifier into an exact or phrase or broad match type.

step 2 changing match types

Under what circumstances should you opt for Exact Match Type keywords?

On the face of it, Exact Match Keyword Types target highly pre-qualified search traffic. Someone who is searching for your exact service or product category is a highly relevant prospect.

For years advertisers enjoyed this until recently when Google changed the way they treated Exact Match Keyword Types. They introduced the concept of semantics that allowed ads to be shown around the exact keyword match. It also eliminated and/or added function words which could be there in the exact keyword match that one chose.

For example if the exact keyword match was [hotels in New York], your ads were supposed to show up only if the query matched this exactly. However with the recent changes, your ads could also be shown with the following queries [hotels new York], [new York hotels]. The function work [in] is no longer relevant for google.

Read more Great tips for google adwords keyword tool


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