When Does Google RankBrain Algorithm Influence a Query Result

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When Does Google RankBrain Algorithm Influence a Query Result

RankBrain used a set of databases based on people, places, and objects (also called entities) to define the algorithm and its automatic learning processes.

These words (queries) are then decomposed into word vectors using a mathematical formula to give these words an “address”. Similar words have similar “directions”.

When Google processes an unknown query, those math relationships are used to better match the query and return multiple related results.

Over time, Google refines results based on user interaction and machine learning to improve the match between users’ search intent and search results returned by Google.

It is important to note that the words the search engines used to throw the words “and” or “they” were not included in the RankBrain analysis. RankBrain is also designed to help understand queries to get the best results, especially for queries with negative targeting. For example, queries that use words like “no” or “no”.

Short of actually being able to read a website’s content, RankBrain is able to identify the context of keywords in a webpage or website.

By doing this it is able to provide search results based on a user’s ‘true’ intent (as opposed to blindly matching those websites that just contain the words that you typed).

It interprets your language and queries – whether you use formal or colloquial terms – then relates them to other similar searches based on previous intent and results. This will then give you the closest results to what you meant by your query.

Borrowing Google’s own example, the query “what is the label of a consumer at the highest level of a food chain?” sounds gibberish to anyone but the user.

With RankBrain, however, Google can make a guess as to what these unfamiliar words mean.

This then allows Google to interpret the query that matched the user’s intent, providing results that detail, in this instance, where a consumer fits in the food chain.

When Google RankBrain Algorithm Influencing a Query Result

RankBrain addresses query in all languages ​​and in all countries.

If RankBrain is most involved, the query is unique and unknown.

For example, prior to Google RankBrain’s announcement, I wrote an article about something that I observed during my own research on Google.

It started when I was looking for information on water rights in Nevada during the drought in California. (We share a river with them). When I looked at the water rights in Clark County or Las Vegas, there was much information about Google on this topic. However, when I looked around for the water rights of Mesquite NV (a city 90 km north), I regained the water authority and nothing in connection with the water usage rights. Water Instead I have sided with mesquite trees, mesquite wood, mesquite barbecue chips, etc.

At that time I did not know what his name was, it was that he existed. We know that now thanks to RankBrain.

Why? Since Google did not know in what relation the mesquite “thing or place” stands to the water rights of “water”, a “kitchen sink” of the results was sent.

The idea of ​​the “best option” is that over time Google will find out which option best suits this query.

If you’ve been searching for a long time, you can remember when you did a search, and Google will show you the actual words used in that search (despite your input). He was the predecessor of RankBrain.

Read more Clever ways to optimize your website for RankBrain


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Clever ways to optimize your website for RankBrain

RankBrain used a set of databases based on people, places, and objects (also called entities) to define the algorithm and its automatic learning processes.

These words (queries) are then decomposed into word vectors using a mathematical formula to give these words an “address”. Similar words have similar “directions”.

When Google processes an unknown query, those math relationships are used to better match the query and return multiple related results.

Over time, Google refines results based on user interaction and machine learning to improve the match between users’ search intent and search results returned by Google.

It is important to note that the words the search engines used to throw the words “and” or “they” were not included in the RankBrain analysis. RankBrain is also designed to help understand queries to get the best results, especially for queries with negative targeting. For example, queries that use words like “no” or “no”.

But if you’re still writing good content, you’re probably wondering what else you can do. What can this “advantage” bring you? How can you optimize this “classification signal”?

This answer to this question is not an answer, but another question:

Why would you try it?

RankBrain can be beneficial for some unique use cases. For most sites, however, the time and energy spent on classifying an unknown Google query (that is, nobody uses it) would be much better used for other tasks.

In fact, not only is it trying to optimize a query that few users are using, it is constantly changing.

RankBrain results should change and provide better results. Therefore, optimization is an attempt to constantly hit a moving target.

The best advice? Follow the advice of Illyes.

You must write good content.

You must make sure it sounds natural.

this is how you can optimize for RankBrain Algorithm

If you want to obtain a good rank in Google searches, you need to optimize your website and content for RankBrain. In the absence of these techniques, your website might quickly lose relevance and you’ll notice a drop in your click-throughs.

How big of a difference are we talking about?

If a website’s click-through rate decreases, the amount of user data for the website decreases. When that happens, RankBrain has fewer data points to judge its relevance.

That means that your website won’t show up in the top results. Over a period of time, your visibility will be greatly reduced.

How quickly can this happen? Quicker than you think. As Google’s confidence in RankBrain increases, you’ll soon see that your old SEO tactics are no longer bearing fruit.

So, how can you optimize your website and content for RankBrain? Here are a few surefire ways of getting RankBrain to work in your favor.

1. Build Your Website’s Reputation

Spend some time to understand what your audience likes to read. What type of content do they spend more time on?

For example, if your target audience is new moms, they’re most likely to be interested in topics related to infants or toddlers. Understand what your audience likes, and create more content around such topics.

However, creating content isn’t enough. To build your website’s reputation, you need to work on obtaining quality backlinks. You can guest post on high-authority websites that have a similar target audience. This can give you more traffic as well as greater visibility.

Try to create content that’s engaging. Feel free to embed videos, images, gifs, or any other media content. This can help you increase engagement which helps to build your reputation.

The more time a user spends on your website, the more relevant it appears to RankBrain. You should also share your content on social media to get greater engagement.

2. Optimize for Medium Tail Keywords

The way RankBrain works, long-tail keywords are likely to be history soon. Earlier Google used to fetch results based on exact keywords used. So, you would get different results for “best speakers for computer” and “best computer speakers.”

However, RankBrain understands that both these search queries mean the exact same thing. So it gives the same search results.

The best way to optimize for RankBrain is to optimize for medium-tail keywords. Optimizing for medium-tail keywords provides for automatic optimization for long-tail keywords in RankBrain.

This also requires you to create more quality content. This makes it easier to optimize it for medium-tail keywords.

3. Create Content that Addresses User Intent

RankBrain puts the focus back on content. If you have good content, you can easily optimize your website.

If your content is not good, your click-through rate (CTR) will drop. Readers will not come back to your website and it will lead to a lower ranking in RankBrain.

It might seem like RankBrain is making it tougher for websites to get better rankings. But there’s a silver lining to it.

You don’t need to focus too much on finding relevant keywords. If you’re writing an article about desserts, RankBrain will pick up “desserts” and its related terms as keywords. So, words like “sweets” and “sweet dish” will also be considered as keywords.

With RankBrain, your article might rank for queries related to desserts as well as sweet dishes. So keyword density shouldn’t be your focus anymore.

You should focus more on addressing user intent through your content. This is because quality content is all that matters for readers. Quality content focused on user intent will bring in higher CTR.

Since RankBrain improves the quality of search results, it also collects information about user satisfaction.

For example, someone clicks on the #1 result for a query but doesn’t find it useful. Then they click on the next result in the SERPs. And they continue to do so until they find what they are looking for. When they do find what they want, they stay on that page longer. And that is an indication of satisfaction.

As a result, those results towards the top may notice a drop in their rankings. Also, the one that was able to satisfy the user’s intent, gets a boost in rankings.

So it’s important to make your content informative, engaging, and useful. Try to pick topics that your target audience might be interested in and write longer, useful content that answers all possible questions about that topic.

4. Increase Your Click-Through Rates

Google’s quality score algorithm rates your website based on your keywords and quality of content. The click-through rate is an important part of the quality score algorithm.

It gives an idea of the overall user experience of the website. The higher the CTR, the better it is for your website.

As RankBrain learns from human decisions, you need to ensure that users click on your links. A higher click-through rate is critical for the success of your RankBrain SEO strategy.

A great way of getting a higher CTR is to ensure that your content is well-written. You also need to optimize your landing pages to increase your CTR.

Wikipedia has a high CTR, authority, and a great reputation. And so, it ranks higher in Google search results. Wikipedia outranks a really large number of websites. This happens because the website’s content is relevant, engaging, and people come back to it.

Read more The affection of Google RankBrain Algorithm on your website


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The affection of Google RankBrain Algorithm on your website

The most important thing for the RankBrain algorithm is content that is created for users and provides real information. Therefore, you should better reflect your content and focus on information rather than inflating your text with empty sentences.

The RankBrain algorithm wants to better understand your content. For this reason, it is important to help Google when reviewing content on your website.

Instead of concentrating on a single keyword, provide users with full content by quoting from different sources. In addition, you can repeat your keywords several times in your text to get high on Google.

First Assumption – User Behavior is Shifting and will Shift even Further

Since search results are becoming better and better in terms of relevance to the user, getting to the top 3 spot – whether that spot is a local listing, a knowledge graph listing, etc – so long as it’s an organic listing and not paid (since paid has an obvious yellow button-like label that says ‘Ad’) it will get more clicks from users now more than ever.

The top 3 spots will eat up the clicks of the rest of the SERP listings. That’s because people are getting more and more satisfied with the results of the top 3 spots that we have a natural tendency to just check out the top 3 and we’re almost sure that we’ll be satisfied with the results.

Second Assumption – Competition is Going to get Tighter

Search took a leap up the competitive ladder. What RankBrain really did is prioritize meaningful results. “Strings to Things” isn’t all that friendly to those playing the search game primarily for traffic. All the articles that are less comprehensive than its 10x counterparts will drop in rankings. Only the best will get ranked – all the other mediocre results will start to fall off.

Search is a zero-sum game. It’s always been. And just when we thought the game wasn’t getting any harder, it bites us back in the ass.

Third Assumption – Machine Learning will Crush Spam and Black Hat Practices

We can conclude that this is the beginning of numerous years of machine learning being incorporated into Google (because it worked better than they thought it would). Considering the direction of Google has been to fight spam and close up loopholes (we’ve felt the effect of this quite strongly since 2010), it’s a surprise that RankBrain is not an algorithm that targets black hat tactics.

That being said, I think that the next machine-learning algorithm Google will launch after RankBrain would deal strongly with fighting spam and loopholes. If RankBrain worked better than they expected, I’m quite sure that they will use the positive result in shutting down spam and black hat problems.

Fourth Assumption – You can affect RankBrain

Google feeds RankBrain ‘offline’ data. Meaning it does not learn on the internet as it is. What Google thinks is good enough to feed to RankBrain, that’s what they feed it. So coining terms that spread such as ‘Growth Hacking’ or ‘Inbound Marketing’ or ‘Link Earning’ could actually signal that you are an authority in such a term and concept.

If this is fed to RankBrain and it recognizes you as the source of the term, that could turn out to be a positive signal for your site and all that is related to it. It’s not easy, but it’s definitely something that I assume could affect the algorithm as it is fed.

Read more What is Google RankBrain and How Does it Work?


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What is Google RankBrain and How Does it Work?

RankBrain, artificial intelligence (AI) program is used to help process Google search queries. It is designed as a machine learning system so that it can embed vast amounts of written language into mathematical entities (vectors) that the computer can understand.

RankBrain is unique because, when it sees an unfamiliar word or phrase it uses AI to instantly search terms that have a similar meaning that a user has typed. Next, it filters the result accordingly.


Google has taken this exceptional initiative to give its users only the most useful results for their search queries. Google’s goal is to offer the searchers the most appropriate and relevant content. According to Google, RankBrain offers different results in different countries for the same query.  This is because the measurements in each state are different, despite the similar names.

Does Google RankBrain Work?

Is the AI doing a good job? So far, it seems like it. After all, Google promoted it from merely processing parts of the unknown key phrases to using it for all search queries.

And why wouldn’t they? After all, RankBrain appears to be doing a better job at improving search results than the Google engineers themselves. In fact, when it was pitted against a number of engineers to find the best page for a search query, the AI outperformed the humans by 10 percent.


Quite impressive, isn’t it?

The cool thing about RankBrain is that, in contrast to global changes to the search algorithm, it can improve search results on a per-keyword basis. This makes the SERPs more precise than before and allows for more granular improvements.

Also, ironically, even though RankBrain is a machine learning algorithm, it actually increases the influence of human users on search results. That’s because the AI can use direct feedback from how users interact with your content to judge its quality. For that reason, you need to focus less on pleasing the machines (read algorithm) and more on actually swaying people to click on your stuff.

RankBrain is a machine that learns the artificial intelligence system, transforming letters and numbers into a mathematical algorithm. While this is a technical definition for RankBrain, Google uses this algorithm to improve its search results. With RankBrain, Google learns what users want, what they’re looking for, and plans to deliver better results to users. Search location, keywords entered, etc. By taking into account the variables, Google aims to learn exactly what the user is looking for and how they try to reach a conclusion.

The RankBrain algorithm is considered the third most important factor that evaluates which results should be shown in any search based on Google sources. RankBrain also affects less than 25 per cent of searches worldwide.

Read more When Does Google RankBrain Algorithm Influence a Query Result


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