Make money online at home easily by digital products
Category : Make Money Online
Confession time. This is my absolute favorite way to make money with a blog.
Because you control the whole experience and the only thing it is dependent on is you creating value for your tribe. There are a ton of different options for digital products, but I want to focus on just three for this post.
1. Online Courses
This is how I make a living. People love to learn and there is always someone around looking to learn what you are knowledgeable about. If you can package it up into a course then you are good to go.
You can create as many courses as you want and there are a ton of sites out there to help you get everything setup. I’ve used and loved Teachable when I need a 3rd party host for my courses. There are also alternatives like Thinkific that I’ve heard great things about as well.
2. Ebooks
The very first digital product I ever sold was an ebook. Excuse me, I should say the very first digital product I put up for sale was an ebook. I didn’t sell any but that is because I failed to grow a Tribe.
Ebooks are definitely one of the easiest digital products that you can create. You have all the tools required to build an ebook at your disposal. For a basic ebook, all you need is a word processor (Microsoft Word, Google Pages, Apple Pages) that will allow you to export your document as a PDF.
Presto! Insta-ebook.
For my ebooks I like to use DPD to handle payment and delivery. What’s great about this service is when I update my books, I can simply shoot an email to all of my customers letting them know of the updated version.
3. Webinars
Webinars are awesome. They are like live happy hours for you and your tribe. You sit down and talk. That’s it really. You share knowledge about a particular subject and people listen and ask you questions.
My webinar software of choice is Crowdcast. If you want to go with a free option that has less features then check out Google Hangouts.
4. Membership Sites
This one you can’t just do right off the bat. First, you need to build a tribe to make it happen, but once you have that tribe then you are good to go. What’s awesome about membership sites is that they offer you a way to make recurring revenue.
Once you start making recurring revenue you will never turn back. Recurring revenue is money that keeps coming in every month or every year. It truly is a beautiful thing.
If you have a Netflix subscription they are making recurring revenue from you.
Food Blogger Pro is an example of a membership site. Run by the crew over at Pinch of Yum it shows you how to create and monetize a food blog. It’s a pretty awesome idea that I might try to implement here at Obstacle.co one day.
5. Email Coaching
This is one I don’t see that often, but it is still a viable info product.
Email coaching works because people value their time. We are all busy and jumping on phone calls once a day or week or month can be too time-consuming. However, we always have time for email!
This also allows you to coach anyone around the world because time doesn’t play a factor.
6. Email Courses
Similar to an online video course, but in this case you are sending out a series of emails that will teach your audience. Most of the time I see email courses being used as email magnets, but you can very well offer them as a paid info product.
The problem I have with email courses though is that it can be too easy to treat those emails just like any other email. I understand that not every student will complete every course that I create, but I do want to see higher engagement numbers and you will get that with a video course over an email one.
However, it’s not your responsibility to make sure that every student stays on top of their learning. An email course can be setup just like any other autoresponder series or email sequence that you have.
If I were to setup a paid email course then I would use either ConvertKit or Drip. I use both services for different sites. It depends on my needs.
7. Website Themes and Templates
Not necessarily an info product per se, but still a nice way to bring in some money.
Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income partnered up with StudioPress to release his own theme. So as you can see, you don’t need to build one yourself, but if you aren’t popular yet you probably won’t be given the chance to have a professional studio work with you.
Tiffany over at Beautiful Dawn Designs has done very well providing themes specifically tailored to her audience while also running an awesome blog.
One of the downsides to creating themes and templates is that you will have to spend time handling support. As you know, computers always have hiccups and people will have issues. If you aren’t ready to invest time in helping people with your product then this might be something to avoid for a while.
8. Office Hours
Your audience will love to read everything that you publish, but there are times where they might wish they can speak with you 1-on-1. Offering office hours allows you to sell your time and also help out people.
If you do decide to go this route, make sure you are very specific about how much time a person has to speak with you. If an individual is paying $50 for your time and in your head, that means 30 minutes of conversation, don’t give them 3 hours free of charge.
To make this work you need to get some scheduling software set up. There are a lot of solutions available so this shouldn’t be a problem. Be very specific about what you can help with during these office hours.
If you are a personal finance blogger then you don’t want your office hours to turn into a discussion on diets.
Read more How to make money blogging easily
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