Category Archives: Seo Experiences

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How To Get Top 10 Rankings on Google

High rankings rarely happen by chance. Even the most skilled and knowledgeable marketers struggle with getting the top-ranking spot. So, how can a regular business owner hope to achieve this feat? While there’s no way to absolutely guarantee high rankings, this post will look at some strategies anyone can use to seriously increase their chances of claiming that #1 spot.

Choose the right keywords

The keyword strategy that you use, however, is important. There are a few things to note when choosing the keywords you want to target:

– Choose your keywords based on your domain authority. If you want immediate visibility in the SERPs but you have a domain authority of 16, you’re going to want to look for the lowest competition keywords you can. Take your pick out of the low comp keywords and look for those that have the highest search potential out of the lot, and start there. You can still create content and pages for higher competition keywords and it can be shared elsewhere, but remember that you might end up on page 6 of the results.
– Keep search intent in mind. As in the story above, if you want results, your content has to match the search intent behind the keyword. Someone searching for “social media agency” likely isn’t going to want “10 tips to decide if starting a social media agency is for you!” They want to find someone to hire. If your content doesn’t line up with the estimated search intent, it won’t matter how well you rank.
– Use diverse keywords. Shake things up. Go for both long-tail and short-tail keywords. This will help you extend your reach and it will make it easier to target users in all stages of the buying process and funnel, which is important for marketers to accomplish.

As you develop your keyword strategy, you’ll want to do a fair amount of research. Tools like Google’s Keyword Planner are a great way to identify relevant keywords with good search volume. It can be a complicated puzzle, but it’s one you’ll need to solve to make the most of your keyword strategy.

Optimize Your Site

If you’re looking for a direct way to improve your odds of ranking well on the Google SERP, you may want to look into cleaning up the back end of your website.

The first place to start is your site speed. These days, we all expect instantaneous gratification. We want our food to be ready fast, groceries (and pretty much everything else) delivered to our door, packages to arrive in two days (or less)…and web pages to load in less than a second.

Optimize each piece of content for your keywords.

Once you’ve “gone niche” and have chosen some easier keywords, it’s time to use those keywords in strategic places on your page. While you certainly don’t want to overuse your keywords, it is important to use them in a variety of ways within your content. Most importantly, focus on using them in your:

– URL: For instance, instead of, use
– Title tag.
– Headings: H1, H2, etc.
– Alt image tag and image captions, where appropriate.
– Throughout your content.

Keep in mind that Google (and your readers) favor comprehensive content that does a great job of covering the topic at hand. So, while it’s important to use your keywords somewhere in your content, that’s no substitute for writing longer, more in-depth content that really does justice to the topic.

Ways to Get Top 10 Rankings

Update Your Content Regularly

You’ve probably noticed that we feel pretty strongly about content. Search engines do, too. Regularly updated content is viewed as one of the best indicators of a site’s relevancy, so be sure to keep it fresh. Audit your content on a set schedule (semesterly for example) and make updates as needed.

If you want to get top rankings in Google, you absolutely must be adding new content to your site regularly. But don’t just add content for content’s sake; add useful, high-quality content that actually provides value to your customers and prospects.

This content will help you boost your rankings in two primary ways. First, more content means more keywords, and therefore more opportunities for Google to return your site in the search results. Second, the more content you have, the more links you generally accumulate. Plus, having lots of content is great for getting visitors to stay on your site longer. Win-win!

Get More Quality Backlinks

As mentioned above, backlinks are a key part of how Google determines the value of your content. The idea here is very simple: when a website or webpage provides valuable content, other websites will naturally want to link to that content.

The only problem is, most people don’t dig very far to find good content. They usually look at the first few search results on a page, identify a good source and link to it.

As a result, content that ranks well tends to get more backlinks. Content that doesn’t rank well tends to fall further and further into obscurity.

So how do you get around this problem?

Well, one of the best ways to increase backlinks to your site is through content marketing. The more high-value content you create, the more likely people are to find it and link to it.

This is part of the reason why blogs are so popular for businesses. It gives them a great platform for publishing content and helps them build an audience that loves their business (and hopefully backlinks to their site).

Another way to use content marketing is to create lead magnets. These are usually high-value pieces of content like case studies or white papers that provide unique insight. Since those resources are specific to your business, when people want to use your data in their own content, they’ll usually link back to it.

Improve Site Usability

Site usability is another important ranking factor, according to the Backlinko report cited earlier. If you’ve managed to get to the top three search engine ranking, it’s likely that you’re already aware of this fact. People visiting your website should be able to have an experience that makes them want to stay.

This means your pages should load quickly and completely. And your visitors should be able to navigate effortlessly across your site. The goal is to make sure they stay for a while instead of just bouncing, because a high bounce rate could pull you down in ranking.

You can always use the Google PageSpeed Insights to keep track of how your site is performing in terms of load speed. In addition to analyzing your page speed, this tool also gives you recommendations on how you can optimize the load speed further.

Related post Top smart ways to improve Google ranking


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Top smart ways to improve Google ranking

You want to get your website to the top of Google’s search results? You can do it—if you understand what it takes to rank. Although Google keeps its official list of ranking factors a secret, the key to getting your business to rank higher on Google is not as mysterious as it may seem

How Do Google Search Rankings Work?

When people want to find information, they type or say words related to what they’re looking for. Those are called keywords, and we’ll look at those in the content optimization section of this guide.

But search engine rankings are not just about keywords; they’re also about the quality of information.

According to Google’s own search quality ratings, when it indexes the main content of each page, it checks factors like:

– The purpose of the page
– Expertise, authority, and trustworthiness – not just from the site and the page content, but expertise from the individual creator of the content too.
– Content quality and amount
– Website info and info about the content creator
– Website reputation and content creator reputation

These go into its ranking algorithm and help to determine SEO ranking.

Based on the rating guidelines above, Google shows searchers the most relevant, high quality results related to what they’re looking for. The most relevant are shown first, with the rest being shown over successive pages.

One of the goals of addressing SEO ranking factors is to let Google know when your pages on your site are relevant to particular search queries, so people will click the links and visit your site.

Let’s be clear, though: there’s never a guarantee of a page one or #1 rank, and with SEO guidelines changing all the time, search engine rankings change with them.

Optimize those page titles

When it comes to Google, as well as other popular search engines, the HTML

Tag is a valuable piece of metadata for your page and should be correctly structured.

The title tag should serve as a concise description of your page’s content – and no two title tags should ever be the same (Google doesn’t like duplication). To write a title tag that will help boost your page’s organic search ranking, you should keep it under 70 characters, with the most relevant or primary keywords near the start. It’s also a good idea to include your brand keyword (the keyword used to search for your company name or a variation on this) if you’re trying to boost your brand authority.

So, how should your title tag be structured? Here’s an example of a good title tag…

The HTML title tag is a valuable piece of metadata for your page and should be correctly structured.

Esquire Mag, looking to rank well for ‘best burgers in London’ (it currently ranks number one in Google’s organic search results), has included the keyword they want to rank for at the beginning of their page’s title tag; it then goes onto describe the page’s content more specifically in an engaging way that uses the words ‘buns’ rather than repeating the term burgers – this serves to widen the net of search terms that they might appear for. Keyword rich, enticing, concise, and natural – the perfect ingredients for a great title tag.

Spruce up your meta descriptions

While your meta description isn’t a direct ranking factor regarding search crawling, it does have an impact and if written well, this small snippet of sales copy encourages people to click through to a webpage, boosting its authority and helping your page to rank better for certain keywords. Also, if you use your target keywords in the description, Google will bold them when your page appears on SERPS, making it more eye-catching to web searchers.

Write compelling meta descriptions

The <meta name= description content= > HTML tag is meant to be a concise explanation of a web page’s content. Google displays your meta description beneath the page title in their organic results. While meta descriptions aren’t as important as page titles in your Google ranking, they do play a big role in getting clicks from users. People read descriptions as a preview of your page and use it to determine if your content is worth visiting. You should keep your meta descriptions to under 150 characters since Google won’t display text beyond that. You should also include target keywords in your text, since any words matching a user’s search query will be displayed in bold.

Creaating quality content

We’re sure you’ve heard this one before, but content is still the king of the SEO world this year. User experience is Google’s big priority; creating quality content that is easy for the user to find and understand is key.

There’s a lot that goes into creating quality content, but the basic idea is that Google will recognize and reward content that helps users find the information they were looking for. Think of it as a farm—would you rather have a hundred tomatoes that are semi-ripe and hard as a rock, or would it be better to have a dozen vine-ripened, cherry red tomatoes? When it comes to content on your website, the pages should be the juiciest tomatoes ever.

Quality content means not falling for the most common SEO mistakes, such as keyword stuffing, scraping content, or writing thin content that has little or no value to users. Google’s overall priority is user experience, so if your content doesn’t deliver on this, it won’t rank well.

improve Google ranking

Decrease average page load speed

Of course the first way to improve Google ranking in SERPs is to decrease your average page load speed! We have said this many times, but we can’t stress enough how important this is. Google loves fast websites. If there are similar sites with comparable DA, content length, backlinks, etc. Google is most likely going to pick the fastest one to show first in SERPs. At one point Google event went as far as testing red labels in SERPs labeled “Slow” for the websites it deemed not fast enough.

Increase time on site (dwell time)

This is one of those factors that has never been confirmed by Google but you can assume that it exists to some extent, and that is “time on site.” Bing’s previous head of Webmaster Tools, Duane Forrester, wrote a blog post and referenced a term that some SEO’s call “Dwell time.” Dwell time is basically an algorithm of bounce rate and time-on-site metrics. It measures how long it takes someone to return to SERPs after clicking on a result. Peter Meyers, a marketing scientist at Moz, recalled that at one point Google tested a feature where if you clicked a listing, and then quickly came back to SERPs, you would get an option to block it.

Decrease bounce rate

The third factor and way you can improve your Google ranking in SERPs is to decrease the bounce rate on your site. It is important to note that bounce rate is not the same as time on site (dwell time) as we just previously discussed. Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors that leave your site after only viewing one page. Google defines bounce rate as the percentage of single-page sessions (i.e. sessions in which the person left your site from the entrance page without interacting with the page).

Authoritative backlinks

Along with content, backlinks are the bread and butter of SEO. When your website is associated to a trustworthy site via a backlink, it also makes your site look more trustworthy to search engines. Google keeps score of what sites have quality backlinks through PageRank.

PageRank is essentially your “link score.” One of the algorithms that skyrocketed Google to fame, it evaluates both the quality and the number of links to your site, giving it an authority score of 0 to 10. You can’t afford to have spammy, low-quality links in 2020!

Social shares and signals such as Facebook “likes” and shares, tweets, Pinterest pins, etc. most likely influence your Google rankings. Besides just promoting your company, social media has a positive impact on your company’s SEO efforts. When a person finds something they love on social media, they may share that link with others. This increase in inbound links to your site can both improve your credibility and tell Google your content is popular, which can boost your company’s social profiles to the top of branded searches.

Social Signals

When people share your content on social networks, that’s another sign that it’s valuable. Cognitive SEO‘s study of 23 million shares found a definitive link between social shares and search engine ranking.

Google’s official word is that social shares are not a direct ranking factor. Links from Twitter or Facebook aren’t counted the same as links from other authoritative websites.

Still, there’s no denying that the highest ranking pages in Google search results usually have a lot of shares – probably because the more your content is shared, the more people will see it and decide to link to it. That means that getting more social shares does help your search engine rankings, if only indirectly.

Not only do you need to have a social media presence yourself, but you need to make it easy to share your content and amplify those social signals.

Related content The most important SEO ranking factors you need to know


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Tips to reveal Google Panda Penalties

There’s no doubt that Panda blew a lot of websites out of the water. From spammed articles, and keyword stuffed content to affiliate links buyers, many website owners found themselves on the wrong side of Panda’s algorithm updates.

As a result, many myths started swirling around and some of them are still in existence. Some of the myths about Panda that you shouldn’t waste your time on include:

  • There will be another Panda update soon –While there were various Panda updates in the past, the last one was rolled out in 2016. Google chose to integrate Panda as a core part of its search engine and has never published another update. In essence, there is most likely no Panda update that will come about anytime soon. You should therefore focus your energy on making your website Panda-friendly by following the already existing guidelines.
  • Duplicate content filter is part of Panda – Even though your website can face a Panda penalty for duplicate content. Panda isn’t solely aimed at duplicate content. In fact, a duplicate content filter and Panda are two separate and independent tools.
  • Too much UGC will be penalised – User-generated Content such as guest blog posts used to be and continues to be an important part of the web. So, do not be misled that publishing guest blog posts might attract Panda. All you have to do is to ensure that they’re of high-quality and actually possess information users would want to read.


The two ways that your site can be affected by Google penalties may either be Manual Action or Algorithm Penalty.

In most cases, detecting Manual Action penalties is much easier. This is because Google is nice and polite enough to send you a message to notify you about the penalty. Manual penalty notices are issued through Google Search Console.

On the other hand, algorithmic penalties are quite hard to detect because Google will not notify you about such penalties. You will have to find them by yourself, or better yet find a reliable SEO agency or consultant to do it for you.

These are 2 ways to determine whether your website may have suffered from a penalty:

  • Traffic & ranking drops – Your first clue will be a dramatic drop in traffic.If you have been impacted, your visibility will not improve and traffic will not return to your site until you fix the issue on your website that caused it. And as Panda is an algorithmic penalty, this means that even once you’ve resolved the underlying issue(s), you’ll have to wait for the algorithm to be run again for the penalty to be lifted to get your rankings back, which could be several months. Head into your Google Analytics and take a look at your Google traffic and rankings. If you notice a massive sudden drop in traffic on the upwards of 75%, this might be an indication that your site has been subjected to a Panda penalty. You should however, keep in mind that other things such as the rise of competitors, manual penalties and normal seasonal drop in consumer interest might also cause such drops.
  • Drop in phone calls & leads – If you’ve noticed a severe drop in email leads or phone calls in a short time-frame then that may also be a result of a penalty. Most websites generate a large portion of their total traffic through search engines such as a Google. If you’ve noticed a significant decrease in leads and calls, then you may have been impacted.

If either of the top two points applies to your situation, then apply the following steps to confirm whether it was Panda:

  • Identify – Check your website stats and jot down all major dates where you’ve noticed a significant decline in calls, leads or organic traffic.
  • Cross-reference – Google algorithm forecasting tools such as MozCast and Dejan SEO’s Algoroo may show big spikes in major SERP changes. Cross-reference this data with your own traffic stats to see whether they align. Additionally, Moz’s Algorithm Change History and Search Engine Land’s algorithm update page are also great resources to check whether a new update has rolled out.

Read more The basical knowledges of Google Panda Algorithm


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The influence of Google Hummingbird Algorithm on SEO

Matt Cutts said that the Hummingbird algorithm actually effects 90% of all searches but he said only to a small degree. So while Panda may have impacted 10% or so and Penguin closer to 3% or so, Hummingbird impacted 90%. But Matt Cutts said only to a small degree where users should not notice.

How does Hummingbird work?

Well in short it’s faster and more precise than previous versions of Google.

One of the deepest changes that makes Hummingbird so different than past versions of the Google algorithm is that it now focuses more on conversational search. Google has said that less people are searching seriously with short keyword terms and focusing more on the longer tail keyword searches asking for multiple data points simultaneously.

This means Google is ultimately looking less at what each keyword in your query means and more at what your entire query means.

What Does Google Hummingbird Enhance?

In my opinion the Google Hummingbird change signals three pretty clear objectives for Google.

  1. Google wants to communicate conversationally.
  2. Google wants to deliver a seamless experience across all devices.
  3. Google wants to anticipate your needs and answer your questions before you have them (they want to be your assistant).

Let’s break these down one by one.

  • Google wants to communicate conversationally– When search engines started the only way we could interact with a search engine was by keyboard. At that time the search engines operated by looking for keywords and that was pretty much what you would enter into the search. For example if you think about the video above Matt Cutts wants to know how fast a cheetah can run. Instead of searching for, “how fast does a cheetah run?” he searches for, “cheetah running speed.” So in the early days of search we stripped out unnecessary words from our search queries to make it easier for the user to search. Why would Google want to change this? Because today more searchers are using their mobile devices and the big difference is that you can actually speak to your mobile device. That brings us to the next point.
  • Google wants to deliver a seamless experience across all devices– As we have already discussed users are searching more frequently from a mobile device. As a result Google has made some strategic changes make sure that users can have a seamless experience whenever they access the web. For example the Google web browser Google Chrome now works on mobile devices. This means where ever you surf the web on any device if you are logged into Google Chrome Google can present personalized search results to you. You can also access your bookmarks, and browsing history seamlessly across all devices. Google is also working hard to enhance the Google Now app. Which brings us to our final point.
  • Google wants to be your assistant- Google Now is much more than a search app. Google now starts to get to know you and learns about your activity. When I wake up every morning Google Now tells me how many minutes it will take me to drive to the gym. Google Now also has access to my calendar, contacts, location… almost anything I tell my phone. Because of that Google Now reminds me of deadlines, birthdays, places I have visited, and things I have searched for. Ultimately Google wants the Google Now app to act like the Star Trek Computer. They want you to be able to say, “OK Google” and have Google assist you with any task you can think of. I know I’ve shared this video before but it is the ultimate example of what Google wants Google Now to be.

The implications of a Hummingbird search world

It is important to remember that this step forward being described by Google as a new platform.

Like the Caffeine release Google did in June of 2010, the real import of this is yet to come. Google will be able to implement many more capabilities in the future. The implications to search in the long term are potentially huge.

For you as a publisher, the implications are more straightforward. Here are a few things to think about:

1. Will keywords go away?

Not entirely. The language you use is a key part of a semantic analysis of your content.

Hopefully, you abandoned the idea of using the same phrases over and over again in your content a long time ago. It will remain wise to have a straightforward definition of what the page is about in the page title.

I’ll elaborate a bit more on this in point 3 below.

2. Will Google make the long tail of search go away?

Not really. Some of the aspects that trigger long tail type search results may actually be inferred by Google rather than contained in the query. Or they may be in the user’s query itself. Some long tail user queries may also get distilled down to a simpler head term.

There will definitely be shifts here, but the exact path this will take is hard to project. In the long term though, the long tail will be defined by long tail human desires and needs, not keyword strings.

The language you use still matters, because it helps you communicate to users and Google what needs and desires you answer.

3. You need to understand your prospect’s possible intents

That is what Google is trying to do. They are trying to understand the human need, and provide that person with what they need.

Over time, users will be retrained to avoid short simple keyword-ese type queries and just say what they want. Note that this evolution is not likely to be rapid, as Google still has a long way to go still!

As a publisher, you should focus more attention on building pages for each of the different basic needs and intentions of the potential customers for your products and services. Start mapping those needs and use cases and design your site’s architecture, content, and use of language to address those.

In other words, know your audience. Doing this really well takes work, but it starts with knowing your potential customers or clients and why they might buy what you have to sell, and identifying the information they need first.

4. Semantic relevance is the new king

We used to speak about content being king, and that in some sense is still true, but it is becoming more complex than that now.

You now need to think about content that truly addresses specific wants and needs. Does your content communicate relevance to a specific want or need?

In addition, you can’t overlook the need to communicate your overall authority in a specific topic area. Do you answer the need better than anyone else?

While much of being seen as an authority involves other signals such as links, and perhaps some weight related to social shares and interaction, it also involves creating in-depth content that does more than scratch the surface of a need.

Read more The important knowledges of Google Hummingbird Algorithm


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Clever ways to optimize your website for RankBrain

RankBrain used a set of databases based on people, places, and objects (also called entities) to define the algorithm and its automatic learning processes.

These words (queries) are then decomposed into word vectors using a mathematical formula to give these words an “address”. Similar words have similar “directions”.

When Google processes an unknown query, those math relationships are used to better match the query and return multiple related results.

Over time, Google refines results based on user interaction and machine learning to improve the match between users’ search intent and search results returned by Google.

It is important to note that the words the search engines used to throw the words “and” or “they” were not included in the RankBrain analysis. RankBrain is also designed to help understand queries to get the best results, especially for queries with negative targeting. For example, queries that use words like “no” or “no”.

But if you’re still writing good content, you’re probably wondering what else you can do. What can this “advantage” bring you? How can you optimize this “classification signal”?

This answer to this question is not an answer, but another question:

Why would you try it?

RankBrain can be beneficial for some unique use cases. For most sites, however, the time and energy spent on classifying an unknown Google query (that is, nobody uses it) would be much better used for other tasks.

In fact, not only is it trying to optimize a query that few users are using, it is constantly changing.

RankBrain results should change and provide better results. Therefore, optimization is an attempt to constantly hit a moving target.

The best advice? Follow the advice of Illyes.

You must write good content.

You must make sure it sounds natural.

this is how you can optimize for RankBrain Algorithm

If you want to obtain a good rank in Google searches, you need to optimize your website and content for RankBrain. In the absence of these techniques, your website might quickly lose relevance and you’ll notice a drop in your click-throughs.

How big of a difference are we talking about?

If a website’s click-through rate decreases, the amount of user data for the website decreases. When that happens, RankBrain has fewer data points to judge its relevance.

That means that your website won’t show up in the top results. Over a period of time, your visibility will be greatly reduced.

How quickly can this happen? Quicker than you think. As Google’s confidence in RankBrain increases, you’ll soon see that your old SEO tactics are no longer bearing fruit.

So, how can you optimize your website and content for RankBrain? Here are a few surefire ways of getting RankBrain to work in your favor.

1. Build Your Website’s Reputation

Spend some time to understand what your audience likes to read. What type of content do they spend more time on?

For example, if your target audience is new moms, they’re most likely to be interested in topics related to infants or toddlers. Understand what your audience likes, and create more content around such topics.

However, creating content isn’t enough. To build your website’s reputation, you need to work on obtaining quality backlinks. You can guest post on high-authority websites that have a similar target audience. This can give you more traffic as well as greater visibility.

Try to create content that’s engaging. Feel free to embed videos, images, gifs, or any other media content. This can help you increase engagement which helps to build your reputation.

The more time a user spends on your website, the more relevant it appears to RankBrain. You should also share your content on social media to get greater engagement.

2. Optimize for Medium Tail Keywords

The way RankBrain works, long-tail keywords are likely to be history soon. Earlier Google used to fetch results based on exact keywords used. So, you would get different results for “best speakers for computer” and “best computer speakers.”

However, RankBrain understands that both these search queries mean the exact same thing. So it gives the same search results.

The best way to optimize for RankBrain is to optimize for medium-tail keywords. Optimizing for medium-tail keywords provides for automatic optimization for long-tail keywords in RankBrain.

This also requires you to create more quality content. This makes it easier to optimize it for medium-tail keywords.

3. Create Content that Addresses User Intent

RankBrain puts the focus back on content. If you have good content, you can easily optimize your website.

If your content is not good, your click-through rate (CTR) will drop. Readers will not come back to your website and it will lead to a lower ranking in RankBrain.

It might seem like RankBrain is making it tougher for websites to get better rankings. But there’s a silver lining to it.

You don’t need to focus too much on finding relevant keywords. If you’re writing an article about desserts, RankBrain will pick up “desserts” and its related terms as keywords. So, words like “sweets” and “sweet dish” will also be considered as keywords.

With RankBrain, your article might rank for queries related to desserts as well as sweet dishes. So keyword density shouldn’t be your focus anymore.

You should focus more on addressing user intent through your content. This is because quality content is all that matters for readers. Quality content focused on user intent will bring in higher CTR.

Since RankBrain improves the quality of search results, it also collects information about user satisfaction.

For example, someone clicks on the #1 result for a query but doesn’t find it useful. Then they click on the next result in the SERPs. And they continue to do so until they find what they are looking for. When they do find what they want, they stay on that page longer. And that is an indication of satisfaction.

As a result, those results towards the top may notice a drop in their rankings. Also, the one that was able to satisfy the user’s intent, gets a boost in rankings.

So it’s important to make your content informative, engaging, and useful. Try to pick topics that your target audience might be interested in and write longer, useful content that answers all possible questions about that topic.

4. Increase Your Click-Through Rates

Google’s quality score algorithm rates your website based on your keywords and quality of content. The click-through rate is an important part of the quality score algorithm.

It gives an idea of the overall user experience of the website. The higher the CTR, the better it is for your website.

As RankBrain learns from human decisions, you need to ensure that users click on your links. A higher click-through rate is critical for the success of your RankBrain SEO strategy.

A great way of getting a higher CTR is to ensure that your content is well-written. You also need to optimize your landing pages to increase your CTR.

Wikipedia has a high CTR, authority, and a great reputation. And so, it ranks higher in Google search results. Wikipedia outranks a really large number of websites. This happens because the website’s content is relevant, engaging, and people come back to it.

Read more The affection of Google RankBrain Algorithm on your website


Please contact us for seo service packages at TDHSEO.COM.


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Smart tips to recover website from Fred Algorithm update

As Google has not released any official statement regarding this update and given a hint to the types of links this update will be targeting, there are certain steps you can follow if the rankings have been hit from the update.

  • It is imperative you have built a natural anchor text cloud including – business and generic keywords, naked URLs, and brand name.
  • You must have seen a number of sites ranking with site wide-do follow links, but make sure you are cautious of such link profile. It has a risk of going down anytime.
  • Make sure that the backlink is related to the context.
  • Avoid using automated tools or bots in order to create backlinks for example – mass blog commenting bots
  • Always remember that the quality of the links has more relevance than the total number of the links.
  • If a link can be claimed easily by everyone, then the chances are high that it has less value.
  • Make sure you have avoided paid links, link pyramids, and link exchange.
  • You can use affiliate links but make sure they should not be the sole motive of the page. Make sure affiliate links are only added when they are according to your content and avoid overdoing them.
  • The focus should be on the users instead of stuffing keywords strategies.
  • Inclusion of various other content forms such as gifs and videos should be encouraged.
  • Just because you have a chance to claim a particular link, it does mean that you have to go for it. Almost every website is after such links and moreover the search engines don’t value these links. Instead, you should go for the high-quality links.

Here are some important bullets to consider:

  • Perform a crawl analysis of your site and audit heavily through the lens of Google’s core ranking updates focused on quality.
  • Identify major problems (including UX, content, and aggressive advertising), and fix them as quickly as you can. But don’t rush the changes… make sure they are implemented flawlessly. Don’t inject more problems onto your site.
  • Read the Quality Rater Guidelines (QRG) thoroughly – and then read it again. Like I’ve said many times, it’s packed with amazing information directly from Google detailing what should be rated low and high quality. I’ve seen a serious connection between what I’m seeing in the field and what’s contained in the QRG.
  • Don’t put band-aids on the situation. Fix as many of the problems as you can. Band-aids will keep you in the gray area of Google’s quality algorithms and you might not see much upward movement during subsequent updates.
  • Work hard on publishing killer content over the long-term, building links naturally, building your brand, and improving user engagement. Again, Google needs to see significant improvement over the long term, not just over a few weeks.
  • Periodically audit your site through the lens of “quality”. Don’t make changes and never revisit the situation. That’s how problems creep in. And when enough problems creep in, sites can get hammered. Don’t let that happen.
  • You’ll need to wait for the next major core ranking update focused on quality in order to see movement. There’s not a set timeframe for those updates to roll out, although the past few have been almost exactly one month apart (1/6, 2/7, 3/7, and then 4/4). Google needs to refresh its quality algorithms, and when it does, you have a chance of recovering (or at least starting to recover). Keep your head down, work hard, and keep enhancing quality. If you do, you absolutely can recover. Don’t give up.

Read more Something important about Google algorithm update


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